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Author Topic: FOV Changer Mod  (Read 63545 times)

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FOV Changer Mod
« on: June 29, 2011, 08:22:21 AM »

Hi folks,

dunno if something similar has been done before already, I just wanted to share this small piece of helper which I'm using myself frequently.
With this mod, instead of limiting the FOV in the range of 30° through 90°, you can extend this from 5° to 175° (everything above 140° looks kinda psychedelic, so what?).
In fact you don't have to do anything special apart from extracting this mod to your MODS, #SAS, #UP#, #DBW folder or whatever else your modded files folder is called.

The mod acts as an extension to the commands which are already there for "Wide View" and "Gunsight View".
Usually "Wide View" just extends the FOV to 90° and "Gunsight View" limits it to 30°.
With this mod, when you're in "Wide View" already and press the "Wide View" key or button again, the FOV will be extended by another 5° up to 175°.
Same thing with "Gunsight View", pressing "Gunsight View" once gives you the default 30° FOV, further presses lower this by another 5° each down to a minimum FOV of 5°.

You can always press "Normal View" key to get back to the default 70° FOV immediately.
Additionally you can also use the "increase/decrease FOV" keys (if assigned) to select the FOV in the whole range from 5° to 175° in steps of 5° each.

The chosen FOV will be displayed in the HUD log for reference.

This mod should work for all IL-2 versions, be it 4.09m or 4.10.1m and any mod package like HSFX, UP or DBW.

Screenshots (click to enlarge):

Cockpit View, maximum zoom ("Gunsight View") original:

Cockpit View, maximum zoom (5° FOV) with mod:

Cockpit View, minimum zoom ("Wide View") original:

Cockpit View, 120° FOV with mod:

Cockpit View, minimum zoom (175° FOV) with mod, psychedelic style:

External View, maximum zoom original:

External View, maximum zoom (5° FOV) with mod:

Best regards - Mike
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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2011, 08:33:12 AM »

Thanks a lot!! I'll give it a try this evening.

P.s. Considering your great work with the wrapper and the selector may I ask you if sometime you might take a look at the graphic dll's?
It would be another gigantic step ahead in IL2's history if someone finally could get off the infamous "water rings" (well known by every Nvidia user)!!



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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 05:23:26 PM »

It works. You have to make sure that you'er in wide view mode, then hit your wide view key again ot zoom out even more. To zoom in, hit your gunsight view key, then hit it again to zoom in even more. To reset hit your normal view key.


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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2011, 05:32:59 PM »

Hey Avair - where does it say that it's a JSMGE mod.

Just put it in your Mods folder (whatever it's called) and it will work fine.

I like it - Thank You



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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2011, 06:59:43 PM »

You might have already tried this, but click on the folder and make sure that you see the class file. If you see another folder inside the folder, then thats your problem. If you see the class file, Make sure that no other FOV Mods are active. Other than that, I cant see why this is not working for you. I just droped this into my mods folder and it worked right off the bat. For me this mod works even with San FOV mod active.


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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2011, 10:57:57 PM »

really like how you can zoom in and out to a great degree with this! thanks! ;)

But I have to ask: is there a way to turn off the zoom/FOV magnification messages that appear on the left without affecting the other message (e.g., power=90). In other words, w/o turning off subtitles and hud log in conf.ini. ?

I ask because now with this mod installed, when I use my trackIR to move in and out (z-axis), a whole bunch of FOV/zoom magnification messages appear and it's very distracting. I hope there is a way to just turn the FOV text messages off without affecting the other messages... :-\


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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2011, 11:32:04 PM »

3. Opened the FOVMod_v1.0_ folder and copied the FOVMod folder into my 'jsgmemods' folder (UP 2.01)
4. Opened my JSGME and moved the FOVMod from the left column to the right column.
5. Started UP 2.01
Aviar, this is no JSGME mod. I never mentioned it would.

put it in your Mods folder
I tried it both ways. Neither worked.
I just tried to be on the safe side, it works on UP 2.01. Definitely. Full stop.
If it doesn't work for you, you've got some other MOD installed which is in conflict with this one.
You can rename your "FOVMod" folder to "000000_FOVMod" to check.
And please: Make sure that you didn't do any additional thing wrong.
It's really simple. This mod, when being installed on UP 2.01, resides inside the "MODS" folder as a folder called "FOVMod" with just one file inside.

when I use my trackIR to move in and out (z-axis), a whole bunch of FOV/zoom magnification messages appear
Thanks for the heads up.
I'll try to see how this can be dealt with best.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 03:21:11 AM »

 8) I'm using yours besides Twisters POV Mod.
Let it load on top top and benefits from both, I don't have tell:
Sanis FOV never worked for me, this other POV-Mod was cool, but a way to much typing, where I didn't had nerves
in heat of battle. To achieve results. Players need comfortable, fast solutions. This one is such a end-user
Mod, very usefull. Thanks for sharing this masterpiece.

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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 05:53:43 AM »

Thanks Mike, "It does exactly what it says on the tin" as they say ...  ;)


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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2011, 06:35:34 AM »

when I use my trackIR to move in and out (z-axis), a whole bunch of FOV/zoom magnification messages appear
Thanks again for your heads up lam.
Please find a new v1.1 of this mod in first post of this thread.
The new version doesn't log FOV changes smaller than 5° at all (which should basically turn logging off most time for TrackIR users) and additionally doesn't write a new log line for each FOV change, but instead updates an existing FOV log line if it was the last thing to be logged (quite similar to Throttle or Radiator logging).

Best regards - Mike
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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2011, 07:49:04 AM »

Can someone using the UP3 platform post a before and after FOV screen capture of this mod.
Don't tell us what it "should" do show us.
thank you.


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Re: FOV Changer Mod
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2011, 09:25:14 AM »

You're a bit lazy, aren't you? :D
See updated first post for screenies.

Best regards - Mike
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.
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