After doing several SCW campaigns from the nationalist point of view it was about time to do a campaign showing the war from the other side of the hill. And here it is:
A Republican campaign, called "Defense of Malaga"!
It is set during the two first months of 1937. You are a pilot in a Republican squadron, flying the Russian Polikarpov I-15 fighter, nicknamed "Chato" - "The Snub-nose". (In one mission you will fly the Miles Magister, which was used by both sides in this conflict. And in a final mission you get to try the Polikarpov I-16 "Mosca" - "The Fly".)
You can download it here:
The historical context is the same as in my two previous "Malaga" campaigns ("Attack on Malaga", where you got to fly the Heinkel He-51C, and "Bombs over Malaga", where you are flying the twin-seat light bomber Heinkel He-45). After the failure of the Nationalists to capture Madrid and the Republican counterattack at the Battle of the Corunna Road, the Nationalists are seeking to regain the initiative. A 40 kilometer wide strip of land in southern Spain along the Mediterranean Sea, centering on the city of Malaga, is held by the Republicans. This is to be the Nationalists new target...

Despite the fact that you get to try both the Miles Magister and the I-16
this is basically biplane heaven. Expect a lot of tense dog-fights, often at low level. And the "Chato" is great to fly, and with four MG's it packs quite a punch. You can understand why it made such an impact in SCW, basically outclassing all fighters on the Nationalist side, at least until the arrival of those early marks of the Bf109.

You will need DreamK's He-51C and He-45, Agraciers Malaga map plus the bomber version of the Ju-52. Links to these MODs can be found on the download page.
A BIG thank-you to the guys behind these GREAT MOD's! Building campaigns is my humble way of paying back a bit to the community.
Included in this campaign is 18 skins, the work of the following skinners: Patrulla Azul, Tchaika, Caldrail, Mangas, Metatron, 1-Thirteen, Snorri Bradhawk, Imme, and Murdoc. Thanks guys! (I haven't found out who made all these skins, but will of course update as soon as I do.)

Thanks for looking!