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Author Topic: New 3D For He-115  (Read 4856 times)

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Re: New 3D For He-115
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2022, 07:07:13 AM »

I love this one, well done work. Thank you

Let me propose a small Bomb Bay Doors Fix for B.A.T. latest,
enables all 6 Doors on control.

install above BAT classes in WAW (file hierarchy)


Best wishes

This fix is also valid for 4.12.2 ModAct 5.30!! :)

Thank you Knochenlutscher. ;D




  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Re: New 3D For He-115
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2022, 09:03:24 AM »

Their History in Norway/RAF/FAF is a bit complicated

regular Norwegian Planes that existed as well as 2 norwegian former LW captured,
one made the track to Britain becoming BV187 (ex LW/F.64/BV187) this was used in
covert operations by RAF until 1942, soc, scrapped

This is the 2nd covert used He115 by RAF to Norway.
scrapped 1942, no pictures exist. A third they eventually used in MTO also for covert Ops.

Norwegian F.62 was former LW inventory, used by Norway, later recaptured by LW.

regular Norwegian inventory

F.50/fled to Finnland became FAF HE-115 crashed in Russia 1942

F.52 BV186 fled to Britain, scrapped at Woodhaven (all RAF He115 depict this solitary kite,
from arrival, testing, scrapping, well documented

F.54 fled to Shetlands, crashlanding soc

F.56/Bv184 fled to Britain, used on covert Missions in Norway,
emergency landing 1942, accidently shot down by Spitfire,
while on return leg, grounded, was destroyed in a gas station fire, soc

F.58 /BV185 fled to Britain, the MTO/Malta Kalafrana covert He115 for Lybia,
soc 1942 at Malta

F.60 captured by LW at Stavanger, into German Service 6H+BK, later used by
FAF with civilian fake registration as OH-PMJ, to Leningrad after capture by VVS, following the FAF capitulation

Actually no RAF He115 picture exist that show the secret LW mimicry paintscheme,
as they used for their covert ops into Norway or MTO. Just records, no pictorial evidence.

Britain never bought Heinkel 115, Finnland didn't bought them as well.
Both received these as handovers from Norwegian/German inventories.

Finnland received 1 example by handover from Norwegians, crashed 1942, later
in Lappland war got 2 LW He115 on loan via KG200 Operations, which both fell into Russian hands.
One of these on-loan aircraft was a former Nowergian F.60/6H+BK. The 2nd still had german markings applied
when it fell into russian hands 6H+CK.

Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."
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