Testflight in B.A.T. 4.1.2. latest
T/O no bouncing trouble
Landing no bouncing trouble
I can't confirm this Bug in B.A.T., here it's Okayish.
I'm no Float Plane expert, I have crap Skills flying, T/O and Landing OK. No issues.
Only cosmetic issue I get is the usual FM trouble in the lower Speeds.
But that is no big issue, since this a bug found on most Standin FMs. I assume CG or some values
incorrect, that give not up to parr FM for this 3-D.
The kite has the Barracuda/Albacore/Swordfish crap FM
habbit of being stickied to 150 Km/H no matter what, it noses up, like a rocket.
This makes any descent prolonged and overdubbed, like flying on the moon, under that gravity.
Vasya managed to cure this issue on such crap FM, with these locked above Stall Speed behaviour.
So basicly saying, the least FM fix will get us a perfect He115.