Is it possible to take an existing mission, one not created in UQMG, load it into UQMG, and increase the number of aircraft in individual flights?
Not today. When I get done with the Release. Pre-Alpha is closed. I am working on the Alpha public release. By the Beta release I want to have the 3-mission generation routine done (like UQMG Classic), that is, you get an SP, Coop and DF version of the mission all placed in the correct locations to play.
Because of how I wrote UQMG it is theoretically possible, albeit with limited features. My plan is to have UQMG Max as a full mission generation, and mission authoring tool for mission builders. What my initial plan for supporting existing missions is as follows:
* Open and Save Mission
* Allow basic editing of parameters (FoW, date/weather)
* Use of the Mission Briefing authoring tool (which I believe is superior to the one in FMB)
* Adding of Clone flights (For example, an existing flight of 3-planes could be cloned enormously... say if you want 30 copies of it you would have a 93-plane formation... or you could have them appear in waves. UQMG already does that today for UQMG templates.
-- Limitation - the number of clones is limited by how many regiments are supported in IL-2 engine
-- Limitation 2 - for nations that only have one regiment can only have up to 16 flights that are unique to that nation... if you use more the clones will use the next available nation regiment - that is an IL-2 limitation
* It will probably be limited to missions with up to 24 existing original flights of planes (12 Red and 12 Blue).
But that will take work. I want to concentrate first in a better way to build support for more maps.