Get it here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/9o5epawqe8kjlj8/%25210_F4U-1_cockpit_tweaks_WxTech.7z/fileFrom the included readme file:
F4U-1 (Birdcage) Corsair cockpit tweaks by WxTech
Another "Not an Exhaustive Cockpit Project". The main issues addressed:
- Adjusted the angle of tilt for the rear view mirror.
- Tweaked the 6dof limits in the cockpit class.
- Adjusted the CAMERA viewpoint hooks in Body.msh. (Can be easily adjusted to taste.)
- Provide a different perspex texture, and reverse the surface normals.
- For the gunsight:
* Add exterior surfaces for 3 sides of the reflector support.
* Replace the reticle mask with a properly sized and circular mask.
* Replace the reflector plate texture.
* Add my dynamic lens reflection.
- For the Gunsight switch box (to the left of the sight), add an upper surface.
- For the canopy frame bars running fore-aft at about head height, use a new texture lacking an alpha channel, so that the Sun is no longer seen through them.
- Replace the instrument panel texture.
- Modify a number of textures so as to tone down the degree of small-scale irregularities.
- Repainted the rear bulkhead texture so as to remove the text which was prominently distorted.
A number of issues remain to fix. Perhaps at some future date?

Now the view of the outside world, especially to the rear, is improved.
March 29, 2024