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Author Topic: 100 days at the front  (Read 1979 times)

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100 days at the front
« on: February 05, 2013, 01:44:21 PM »

Hey everyone! Im starting a new series of campaigns that i intend to upload here when they are finished. Anyway, The mission is a 1940 "FICTIONAL" campaign following JG7 in an alternate history, the campaign will take place over 100 days, and yes, that means there will be 100 missions. The squadron your in is a flight of Bf109E fighters, Against the Mighty VVS! Ill put up somemore info when i get closer to being finished!

   i will upload the campaign in 4 - 25 mission parts.

If there is anything you want to see in the campaign, or some ideas you have, im all ears!  ;D

I dont have a release date for the first set yet, but ill get it up asap!



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Re: 100 days at the front
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2013, 10:50:57 PM »

Thats quite the project. Good luck with it. In my opinion, 100 missions might be a bit much. Maybe you should think about spilting the point of view if you want to do 100, so like 25 from fighter, 25 bomber, so on. Maybe Im wrong, but 100 missions of flying the same fighter might get old, plus thats a hell of a project. I have three of my 18 mission pack done and they are time consuming to say the least.

I am spliting mine up into packs of 3/4 missions and will represent most every front. Each has its own storyline and intro/outro movies, with the lack of any edit capabilities on the .nrtk files, you can spend an hour trying to get a good 15 second long movie. Theresa fine line with quanity vs quality but if you can have both then go for it, more power to you. My schedule and brain decided on quality over quanity.Either way good luck.

Onething, what mods will you have to have for your pack? I guess thats where I just decided to take the time and make really detailed missions myself becuase I didn't want to have to DL a bunch of mods I didn't have. Thats one consideration you might make. All people will need for mine is DBW.

Just my two cents. Have fun and don't rush.


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Re: 100 days at the front
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2013, 10:35:52 AM »

I  agree that it is quite the project. Thank you for your ideas btw, :) i've considered them and will probably take some into account. I do have a question for you however.

You mentioned editing the .nrtk files - How would one go about doing that? Ive tried multiple recording software for recording my flights for youtube and such, but the software i use(BandiCam) causes my CP to run to slowly, and the video is choppy.

 As for video editing software, i have none. What would you suggest?

I have DBW as well, but i also have a great deal many MODS in the game, and extra aircraft. I have taken this into acount, and as far as i know you should be able to play the campaign in vanille DBW.

"IF" there are MOD aircraft that were to be used, such as the IK-3 I would include them in the download with a README for insallation. The README would include the usual, Air.ini - Plane.ru - weapons.ru - credits - ect.


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Re: 100 days at the front
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2013, 11:42:32 AM »

Yeah, its always nice to have an organized DL where everything is right there. As for the .nrtk files, that file type is basically native to only IL-2 as far as I know, so you can't really do anything with them.

The only way to edit videos is use FRAPS or something to capture, but you can't put them into .nrtk so unfortunately there is no way I know of of taking in game video and editing then using it as intro/outro movies.

The way I do it: I'll plan out what I want in advance and then record inflight. I try to get good camera angles not involving too much mouse movement because its hard to control camera movement with a mouse I think. Fly-by is a good one to use. A lot of my views will start with the free moving F2 at an interesting angle, then I un-pause and record. Another way to get good shots is to use the static cameras, Postion where you want and change the height. You have to use movement with those unless theres movement in the shot... if that makes sense. Non-moving video of static objects becomes a picture. Another thing to try with that is video before the mission is complete, it will make things easier to cut from one camera to another without having to go through objects that will make for odd cuts in your film. 10 seconds is about the max I will do for a movie.

Even the inflight recording can get choppy at times so remember that. With my 18 mission pack im making-- on mission 5 now, whooo! I have an intro and outro for everything. It ties things nicely I think and worth the extra effort.


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Re: 100 days at the front
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2013, 10:02:02 PM »

Thanks again, ill have to set up my "Quick Record"  then! lol  ;) Ill see what i can get from it. Let me know when your Mission pack comes out, i would love to DL it!

Do you know how i would go about setting my "objects" in FMB  to become a part of the map?  Examp. The cities and castle on all the maps are preset and cannot be moved in the FMB. Is there a way that i could turn my "objects" that i place in the FMB into permanently fixed building that cannot be moved? Savy?


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Re: 100 days at the front
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2013, 12:51:47 AM »

Yeah for sure, like wise. About your question, honestly I have no idea. I'd bounce that question to one of the more regulars around here or a modder. I'd assume that something like that would be like making your own map, with DBW the new maps are amazing (Cheers to whoever) and they include a ton of new stuff on the map that were placed there by whoever made the new one, so maybe it works in reverse with the stock ones? Hopefully someone responds here, if not I'd put that question in the modding area, Im sure you would get an answer or at least spark a, "hmmm, lets try it out" response.

Keep plugging away at the missions. I am trying to bide my time between work and studying for grad school right now, once my interview for a TA spot is over I will go into overdrive on my missions.

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