Thats quite the project. Good luck with it. In my opinion, 100 missions might be a bit much. Maybe you should think about spilting the point of view if you want to do 100, so like 25 from fighter, 25 bomber, so on. Maybe Im wrong, but 100 missions of flying the same fighter might get old, plus thats a hell of a project. I have three of my 18 mission pack done and they are time consuming to say the least.
I am spliting mine up into packs of 3/4 missions and will represent most every front. Each has its own storyline and intro/outro movies, with the lack of any edit capabilities on the .nrtk files, you can spend an hour trying to get a good 15 second long movie. Theresa fine line with quanity vs quality but if you can have both then go for it, more power to you. My schedule and brain decided on quality over quanity.Either way good luck.
Onething, what mods will you have to have for your pack? I guess thats where I just decided to take the time and make really detailed missions myself becuase I didn't want to have to DL a bunch of mods I didn't have. Thats one consideration you might make. All people will need for mine is DBW.
Just my two cents. Have fun and don't rush.