Thanks kennel, very true, knowing the basics is essential, and this is not the place for that, it is Paul's program after all. However, a quick point, please don't anyone ask paul to help concerning these files here, he probably would but it's not Paul's responsibility, that's why I haven't posted there yet, it has to work properly first!
RXIII; first point here is that as kennel so rightly said, these are mod planes, and don't necessarily come with a skins folder in the DBW install, you may have to create it/them yourself, certainly true of the Marauder, think the RXIIIs were that way too, so without a skin folder DCG won't recognise a plane and it won't show in the list.
You have to do this for any plane you add, Wellington or whatever, and DBW is designed to run using the default skins packed in the sfs files remember, so doesn't need a skin folder, but DCG does, check it out. The other reason is usually the service date, but in this case it's 1933 - 1946, so shouldn't be a problem. However if it still doesn't work let me know, but mine do.
Just as a thought you could also replace the 88s & 85s with CY6 batteries, add dynamic weather, observers, gunner, etc; just search and replace for the multiple items and add the others using existing coordinates from another object, their position doesn't matter, they can all be the same except the observers which you'd have to position in FMB. BAck up the original mission in DCG first though. Might have to try this out quickly, and with a fair proportion of 109Ds too, to even the odds a little. I'm also using the RXIII in my CoE BoB campaign as a Hs126, looks OK but needs a good skin or recognition could be problematic in Poland with both sides flying the same plane... no more Storches everywhere...
MissionPro; works very nicely with DCG, I'd even recommend using it, allows you to set mission parameters like weather, cloud height etc, and indeed change your plane type but for that mission only, permanent changes have to be made in DCG, but that's easy. However, don't forget that the mission was created for the original plane type, so you could theoretically end up on a dive bombing mission flying a Storch...
Amon, skin folders should be named R-XIIID and R-XIIITerh.
So, just created a Poland campaign flying the R-XIIID, nice mirror there, but wot no guns!? Created a new squad, assigned the plane, no probs.
Confirms it works, so must be the skin folder.
Let me know what happens.