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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 145493 times)

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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #60 on: August 16, 2011, 02:12:41 PM »

Thanks kennel, very true, knowing the basics is essential, and this is not the place for that, it is Paul's program after all. However, a quick point, please don't anyone ask paul to help concerning these files here, he probably would but it's not Paul's responsibility, that's why I haven't posted there yet, it has to work properly first!

RXIII; first point here is that as kennel so rightly said, these are mod planes, and don't necessarily come with a skins folder in the DBW install, you may have to create it/them yourself, certainly true of the Marauder, think the RXIIIs were that way too, so without a skin folder DCG won't recognise a plane and it won't show in the list.
You have to do this for any plane you add, Wellington or whatever, and DBW is designed to run using the default skins packed in the sfs files remember, so doesn't need a skin folder, but DCG does, check it out. The other reason is usually the service date, but in this case it's 1933 - 1946, so shouldn't be a problem. However if it still doesn't work let me know, but mine do.

Just as a thought you could also replace the 88s & 85s with CY6 batteries, add dynamic weather, observers, gunner, etc; just search and replace for the multiple items and add the others using existing coordinates from another object, their position doesn't matter, they can all be the same except the observers which you'd have to position in FMB. BAck up the original mission in DCG first though. Might have to try this out quickly, and with a fair proportion of 109Ds too, to even the odds a little. I'm also using the RXIII in my CoE BoB campaign as a Hs126, looks OK but needs a good skin or recognition could be problematic in Poland with both sides flying the same plane... no more Storches everywhere...

MissionPro; works very nicely with DCG, I'd even recommend using it, allows you to set mission parameters like weather, cloud height etc, and indeed change your plane type but for that mission only, permanent changes have to be made in DCG, but that's easy. However, don't forget that the mission was created for the original plane type, so you could theoretically end up on a dive bombing mission flying a Storch...

Amon, skin folders should be named R-XIIID and R-XIIITerh.

So, just created a Poland campaign flying the R-XIIID, nice mirror there, but wot no guns!? Created a new squad, assigned the plane, no probs.
Confirms it works, so must be the skin folder.
Let me know what happens.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #61 on: August 16, 2011, 02:36:04 PM »

Thanks kennel, very true, knowing the basics is essential, and this is not the place for that, it is Paul's program after all, but please don't ask him to help concerning these files here, not Paul's responsibility, that's why I haven't posted there yet, it has to work properly first!

RXIII; first point here is that as kennel so rightly said, these are mod planes, and don't necessarily come with a skins folder in the DBW install, you may have to create it/them yourself, certainly true of the Marauder, think the RXIIIs were that way too, so without a skin folder DCG won't recognise a plane and it won't show in the list.
You have to do this for any plane you add, Wellington or whatever, and DBW is designed to run using the default skins packed in the sfs files remember, so doesn't need a skin folder, but DCG does, check it out. The other reason is usually the service date, but in this case it's 1933 - 1946, so shouldn't be a problem. However if it still doesn't work let me know, but mine do.

Just as a thought you could also replace the 88s & 85s with CY6 batteries, add dynamic weather, observers, gunner, etc; just search and replace for the multiple items and add the others using existing coordinates from another object, their position doesn't matter, they can all be the same except the observers which you'd have to position in FMB. BAck up the original mission in DCG first though. Might have to try this out quickly, and with a fair proportion of 109Ds too, to even the odds a little. I'm also using the RXIII in my CoE BoB campaign as a Hs126, looks OK but needs a good skin or recognition could be problematic in Poland with both sides flying the same plane... no more Storches everywhere...

MissionPro; works very nicely with DCG, I'd even recommend using it, allows you to set mission parameters like weather, cloud height etc, and indeed change your plane type but for that mission only, permanent changes have to be made in DCG, but that's easy. However, don't forget that the mission was created for the original plane type, so you could theoretically end up on a dive bombing mission flying a Storch...

Amon, skin folders should be named R-XIIID and R-XIIITerh.

So, just created a Poland campaign flying the R-XIIID, nice mirror there, but wot no guns!? Created a new squad, assigned the plane, no probs.
Confirms it works, so must be the skin folder.
Let me know what happens.

Thx on the info :D
it were the skin folders that were making the problems.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #62 on: August 16, 2011, 02:47:20 PM »

Good to hear you got it sorted out mate! Happy flying, and consider changing those 109s to Ds (let them upgrade to Es) and maybe the Stukas to B1s etc.

Playing with the Poland39.mis, adding dynamic weather, batteries, observers, etc to try it out, (and using Zloy Petrushko's semi-real AA mod of course), should be an easy way to extend the stock campaigns with a few extras, I'll let you know how it works out later... got to edit missions...
Cheers, Slink

Amon_Wolf, or anyone who feels like it, here's the quick conversion of Poland39.mis with extra objects, batteries, and changed planes.
Should be a bit more even, especially as now everyone starts as average, no more German aces everywhere.
How many actually flew in the Condor Legion I wonder, certainly not the whole Luftwaffe, and the Poles had some experience from border conflicts too.
Now you also get the Hs123, 110C1, Bf109D-E, Ju87B1, and all the new Polish types, + the Letov to represent some older types.
Back up your old file first (well, you always have the DCG install zip...) and give it a try.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2011, 05:40:23 PM »

Good to hear you got it sorted out mate! Happy flying, and consider changing those 109s to Ds (let them upgrade to Es) and maybe the Stukas to B1s etc.

Playing with the Poland39.mis, adding dynamic weather, batteries, observers, etc to try it out, (and using Zloy Petrushko's semi-real AA mod of course), should be an easy way to extend the stock campaigns with a few extras, I'll let you know how it works out later... got to edit missions...
Cheers, Slink

Amon_Wolf, or anyone who feels like it, here's the quick conversion of Poland39.mis with extra objects, batteries, and changed planes.
Should be a bit more even, especially as now everyone starts as average, no more German aces everywhere.
How many actually flew in the Condor Legion I wonder, certainly not the whole Luftwaffe, and the Poles had some experience from border conflicts too.
Now you also get the Hs123, 110C1, Bf109D-E, Ju87B1, and all the new Polish types, + the Letov to represent some older types.
Back up your old file first (well, you always have the DCG install zip...) and give it a try.

didn know that there is an updated Poland campaign... Many thx for that link  :)


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2011, 05:55:31 PM »

That's cos I just made it...

Here's another little update with new columns and AA, static planes etc, still playing around.
Change the name of the file though, remove the 2

Have fun mate, try it and tell me what you think. Time for bed now, gotta be up early.
Cheers, Slink


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #65 on: August 18, 2011, 06:06:52 AM »

Having a problem with the Italy 1943 campaign.  I'm flying a FW-190 A4 and going through the missions.  Eventually I end up on a mission where the game locks, shuts down, and I get an error detailing that the SAS executor has closed (which presumably just means that il-2 closed).  Since it has happened twice at random points, I'm thinking it has something to do with one of the files that have been updated for DBW.  (maybe an aircraft assigned in the mission is trying to use a loadout not specified or something like that?)

Since you guys have done so much work, if you could point me in the right direction I can check this out on my own and report back to save you some hassle. 


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #66 on: August 18, 2011, 04:01:54 PM »

Oh wow, now that's a tricky one.
First thing is it's unlikely to be a DCG issue, as all DCG does is generate missions using standard & modded components, planes, maps, etc; but doesn't affect the game itself in any way.
Second would be to disable all mods not required to run the mission that failed, and since it's a stock DCG campaign then probably all of them, unless you added a new mod plane or something. I assume it's DBW 1.5, but would also be handy to know which mods you were using.

Loadout problems result in all your planes exploding on starting the mission, so probably not, you can however test this by making a copy of the mission file and first dropping it into the single missions folder for testing. You can then make multiple copies and name them individually, such as noloadouts1943xxxx.mis etc, and then edit all the loadouts in the mission to default, load in single missions and see what happens.
If you still get the same error then it's not the loadouts. Do the same for plane types, edit and change them all to one stock type, load, and see again if you get the error.
A process of elimination to try and identify what could be causing the error, try removing all the objects and see if it then works.
You can even change the map to exclude another variable, there will be chaos but it doesn't matter, question is whether the game crashes or not.

If you post the mission that crashed the game (use the code function) we can copy and test it on different systems to see if it works for other people on their installs/systems, with/without the same mods active.
We can also see what's in the mission, how many and which aircraft are flying etc; and maybe narrow it down to a specific plane or something, which can then be reported in the bugs thread, but excluding DCG as the source as only bugs in DBW itself belong there.
Still, can't really see how a DCG mission could cause this kind of crash, that's really something more to do with the game/mods themselves, but if we can identify it maybe it can be resolved before anybody else comes up against the same problem.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #67 on: August 19, 2011, 04:37:02 AM »

Hi alltogether.

First of all,I would like to thank you guys for the hard work to update all the DCG files for DBW 1.5.

I´ve got two problems with my DCG install,but I did´t know these problems come from my DBW, or from your updatet files.

1.Since I copied the new payloads und the other files in to my DCG 3.46, I cannot play any of the stock campaigns that comes with DCG. Everytime when I generate one of these campaigns,I close DCG normaly, then go into the game and select the campaign,and choose a plane and a squad.and start to click ok,I always hear an "empty click sound". so,is there anny chance to get these stock ones to work?

2.Is a little bit tricky,like in the poste above reported....I play the new poland´39 campaign,or better sayed I try it. because I have the same random crash. sometimes the crash comes as I generate the campaign,sometimes when in the middle of the combat,and now comes the funny part....right after landing when I complete everything and try to generate the next mission.
I don´t know if these issues is related to DCG or to the files that is in DBW.?
 Hope, annyone can help me.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #68 on: August 19, 2011, 06:12:17 AM »

Thanks, so it sounds like it may not be a DCG thing.

Unfortunately, I deleted the Italy 1943 campaign and went to try a Libya campaign.  So far, I have not run into any problems with that campaign.  If I do, I will follow your instructions and see if I can isolate the problem.

I'm using DBW 1.5 with no extra aircraft, all of the DBW added mods (6dof, Jiver's sound mod, AI mod, etc) active.  Let me see what I can come up with based on your very helpful instructions.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #69 on: August 19, 2011, 02:17:19 PM »

Semor, two quick thoughts;

are you sure you have auto generation enabled in the options, as not enabling it is usually the cause of the behaviour you describe.

Poland39, this is just a quick test I made, and uses a vector object from CY6's C&C Mod version 2, original DBW 1.5 doesn't have this yet, so you may need to install the mod or delete the vector from the mission.
This should not affect Italy43 however, as that's stock, so no vectors.

General troubleshooting

Check your DCG settings first; set up correct? Density & flights per squad? It's easy to overload your system/graphic card, just 10 squads at 4 flights of 4 makes 160 planes in the air...
Look at how many extra mod planes you have, DBW is already pushing the Java limit on number of class files, go over this with planes & mods and your system will become unstable and quite possibly crash. (This is being addressed, some planes will be removed or consolidated, which will mean new DCG files of course, as will a split into wartime/postwar, check out the relevant thread in this topic).

If you just want to play on, you can always try generating a new mission to replace the old one and see if the new one works, otherwise enable save copy of mission in DCG, and move an offending mission to single player for testing. Disable all mods not required to make the mission run, does it work now? Follow the other tests as described in the post above to try to isolate the problem.
Try running some similar single missions or static campaigns, do the same problems crop up in the standard DBW game, without using DCG?

It's virtually impossible for DCG itself to cause the game to crash like this, as it's not even running when you play the mission, only when generating.
However, if there is an error in the DCG mission file or something like the C&C objects above, DCG will still write this into the missions, but when you play the mission the game won't find it of course.

Generally though, try and exclude DCG as a possible cause first, if you still get the same problems without running DCG, it can be reported in the DBW bugs thread.

Something which makes life much easier here is Benito Musso's TotalModder, which replaces jsgme (except for things which have to actually be moved for external apps like DCG, e.g. skins). Using this you can set up various mod profiles to launch your game, I have Clean DBW, Basic Mods, Full Mods, CoE Basic, CoE Full, and the list can be extended as you please, allowing you to easily swap from full to clean for testing a mission.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #70 on: August 20, 2011, 08:07:36 AM »

The 1939 Poland campaign is interesting and fun, but there are still some small errors. For example, when the JU-52 transport planes are taking off, it takes them too long to take off, so when an another flight spawns to take off, the last Ju-52 is still on the runway, and the other flight spawns right upon them, and they explode... Also, when i have intercept missions against polish bombers, they are so slow, that my flight finishes its planed patrol route and the polish bombers are still only half way to target, so all of the fighters are half way home when the bombers arrive at target area.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World 1.5 - Version 06
« Reply #71 on: August 20, 2011, 10:50:30 AM »

Hmmm, have to look at it again, but the 52s should be the same as the original. This issue and the the long flight times can be a problem with settings, try;

Delayed Start Times - this is set at multiples of 8 minutes into the mission +/- a random variable.

Airstarts - helps cut down on long flight times and gets straight into the action (mostly).

Max 3 flights per squad, which is realistic to scale anyway, German bombers should be in 3 Ketten of 3, fighters with 3 Schwarm of 4 in a Staffel. You have to set the bombers manually in DCG though. Helps prevent traffic congestion.

The really slow planes are a problem though, been thinking about asking Paul if it isn't possible to prioritise flights with slow cruise speeds to airstart, calculating their spawn positions back from a point when the first slow bombers are approaching target ingress, the others relative to this one, and the faster fighters by default ground starting as the bombers come in and are detected (or not, scramble!) excluding escorts of course, minimising bomber transit times and maximising fighter intercept urgency, usually the case without radar. CAPs could also be roughly on station at roughly the right time, with a variable of course.

If there is radar however, there would need to be a switch to enable intercepts, (disabled with no radar, but spotters?) or just use CY6 vectors, but we need a way to set the variables in DCG generated missions...

Thinks in advance; this would also be an issue if there's ever a DBW WWI package, and of course a DCG campaign to go with it...
Let me know how it works out, I'll go look at the mission again... should actually only be 2 52s in a flight...
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