originally from the Missions topic...
These are
Lonestar's Pacific campaigns with the DGEN and mission files updated to remove the HSFX scout SBDs etc; and changed all the map entries, all packaged up into jsgme add-ons for simple installation and removal, otherwise still Lonestar's campaigns, nothing changed.
You should have the B26 and Judy installed too, so windweapons' packs are a brilliant idea!
Tried this briefly with several campaigns on several sides in clean DBW1.6, all seems to work fine. (Apart from the default Zero skins of course)
Set up the DCG options as in Lonestar's read me files.
Install into jsgme mods and install to DBW as usual, the DGEN files will be copied over and the campaign itself will be put into the Missions directory.
Open DCG, go to Files, select 3rd party campaign, navigate to IL2\Missions\DCG Pacific xxx campaign, and select the allcampaigns.dcg file.
It should now be installed in DCG, DCG should show a message in big green letters "Optional Third Party Campaign Folder"
Do NOT click on the globe to select a campaign, just close DCG and open IL2,
(open and close QMB quickly first to set your standard options, they will be carried over to the campaign window)
go to Campaigns and choose your side (USAAF, USMC, USN, RNZAF, RAAF, IJN, IJA).
Each has different campaigns and squadrons available according to date of involvement and circumstance (e.g. Santa Cruz was a carrier battle so will probably only appear for naval sides and not others).
You should see the available campaign names in the box (may have to scroll through the other DGEN campaigns).
Select one, set rank, difficulty options, and press start.
The set of campaigns for your chosen side should appear in the new window along with available plane options.
Choose your campaign (why not start from the beginning), plane, and squad.
Press Generate.
Wait a mo, and the first mission should come up, press Fly.
Once the first mission has been flown and ended you can check the debrief and press Apply (unless you're dead) to generate the next mission.
Campaigns should carry over, i.e. when the first ends the second starts automatically, and so on.
You can also open DCG now and adjust campaign settings, squads etc. if you want to.
Note that the DBW compatibility files are already included, however, also note that when you use a 3rd party campaign and open DCG, it still points to the class and payload files in the DCG install directory, wherever you put it, so to update DCG to the correct path for the campaign, i.e. the files in the campaign directory, open DCG after generating the campaign in IL2, open the Aircraft Class Settings panel and check the the path;
"Changes will impact all campaigns using the class and payload data files located in: xxxx"
If it points to your DCG install directory and not the campaign folder (which should now be "DCG Pacific xxx campaign" in the Missions directory), then just open the last DCG panel and then go back to the Aircraft Settings panel, the path should now read correctly as "IL2Install"\Missions\DCG Pacific xxx campaign.
This seems to be a little glitch in DCG, so check the path is correct whenever you open DCG. Shouldn't make any difference if you have the compatibility files installed in DCG anyway as the data is the same, but if you edit anything you want to be certain you're editing the right files in the right directory, can get confusing otherwise.
If you don't have the files installed you'll get the stock DCG data without mod planes, and maybe exploding spawns again... so update the path...
Just a quick update really, nothing else is changed, download is about 500K, and as jsgme they're cleanly installed and removed again, which you should do before installing another campaign or going back to stock to prevent any DGEN files being overwritten somewhere along the line.
So as it's Christmas here's the whole set in one package all adapted as jsgme for DBW1.6, see above for instructions.
Credit and thanks go to Lonestar for the brilliant original campaigns!
Slink Services Inc. denies all liability for stupid mistakes, unforgivable oversights or just plain idiocy. (so very true...)