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Author Topic: Minimap v2.3 - Updated Oct 12th, multimode GUIPad  (Read 55604 times)

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Re: Minimap v2 - Almost finished PAL multimode GUIPad
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2010, 06:42:22 AM »

Dose mouse wheel zooming map in flight have more zoom out and zoom in or icons are that small so they crate such effect??
Anyway its just what i look for minimap:)


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Re: Minimap v2 - Almost finished PAL multimode GUIPad
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2010, 08:02:38 AM »

Dose mouse wheel zooming map in flight have more zoom out and zoom in or icons are that small so they crate such effect??
Anyway its just what i look for minimap:)

The idea is that in this MOD, the size of the icons is decreased as fas ar you see the items themselves. The original one always showed the icons the same size. I find it quite more logical to do the things this way.



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Re: Minimap v2 - Almost finished PAL multimode GUIPad
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2010, 08:10:15 AM »

Idea is and working good i search  for smaller icons (without using ZUTIMDS) and map without border Thank you for this :)


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Re: Minimap v2 - Almost finished PAL multimode GUIPad
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2010, 01:50:18 PM »

Thank you Benitomuso for your great mod!
I have a question:
Is it possible to make cons visible on the radar screen with full realistic mode of the game ("No map icons" is switched on, and no icons are on any map mode just cons are on radar screen)?


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Re: Minimap v2 - Almost finished PAL multimode GUIPad
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2010, 12:08:01 AM »

Oh, now this is my kind of mod! 
I can't believe someone finally cracked mouse wheel zooming for the pad.  This is historic, right? 
And I'm totally sold on the icon size zooming thing, it's so natural. 

Any chance there could be a user .ini setting for making the mouse wheel forward create zoom in rather than zoom out?  It feels backward to me. 


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Re: Minimap v2 - Almost finished PAL multimode GUIPad
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2010, 01:43:37 AM »


absolutley brilliant mod mate, can now have some realistic nightfighter missions with radar, my favourite period of the war. Two things i would not mind seeing if possible.

could anyway be implemented to distinguish friend from foe in radar mode? I know later in the war RAF mossquitos could home in to serrate emissions from German nightfighter radar, this would be a brilliant way to implement this, maybe as an option.

Something i have always wanted is for the players plane icon in map mode (the white plane), to have an element of error as to where it shows the players plane, so that you need to rely on navigation techniques and the map only gives you a rough idea of where you are. B-17 II had a very good system like this, if anyone remembers where the user adjusted the plane icon on map to where he believed the location to be from observations etc.

Just a few thought from me

thanks again




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Re: Minimap v2.1 - Updated Sept 3rd, multimode GUIPad
« Reply #42 on: September 03, 2010, 09:40:26 AM »

Oh, now this is my kind of mod! 
I can't believe someone finally cracked mouse wheel zooming for the pad.  This is historic, right? 
And I'm totally sold on the icon size zooming thing, it's so natural. 

Any chance there could be a user .ini setting for making the mouse wheel forward create zoom in rather than zoom out?  It feels backward to me. 

Hi Frog!

       I don't know if it's historic what you say about the mousewheel, in fact I have made the basic MOD a long time ago, but never fully released it (it was only a partial link in another thread). Only after the last changes I made it available and clearly visible.

  Congrats for your Fomation MOD, I still haven't used it but it looks good.

  Regarding what you say, yes, it is kind of subjective the "most logical" way of zooming in, if it's up or down. I don't know if I'm in the mood as to create a setting for it. But if you want, PM me and I can explain you how to change it in code.



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Re: Minimap v2.1 - Updated Sept 3rd, multimode GUIPad
« Reply #43 on: September 03, 2010, 10:11:06 AM »

is there a way to have that Navigational view transparent like the relative view?


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Re: Minimap v2.1 - Updated Sept 3rd, multimode GUIPad
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2010, 10:16:57 AM »

is there a way to have that Navigational view transparent like the relative view?

               the idea of the Navigation mode is to use the map as a navigation chart. With the transparent background it doesn't have much sense, you would not seen nothing of the map itself.

  One of the things I implemente here, is that the airport icons now have orientation (it didn't happen in the stock game), so you can know how to enter an airfield when you are flying. It was kind of absurd not having that at the beginning, because in any navigation chart, the airfileds are fully detailed.



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Re: Minimap v2.1 - Updated Sept 3rd, multimode GUIPad
« Reply #45 on: September 03, 2010, 10:36:01 AM »

could anyway be implemented to distinguish friend from foe in radar mode? I know later in the war RAF mossquitos could home in to serrate emissions from German nightfighter radar, this would be a brilliant way to implement this, maybe as an option.

Something i have always wanted is for the players plane icon in map mode (the white plane), to have an element of error as to where it shows the players plane, so that you need to rely on navigation techniques and the map only gives you a rough idea of where you are. B-17 II had a very good system like this, if anyone remembers where the user adjusted the plane icon on map to where he believed the location to be from observations etc.

Just a few thought from me

thanks again



                 the way of distinguishing friend from enemies in a radar of the 40's I really don't know how to make it and how reasonable it could be. It is kind of complicated, and basically, you have the standard maps, that if they have icones, they give you the chance of knowing who is friend and who is not.

  About the "approximate" navigation, it is not a bad idea, but again it is something that you don't know if you are making the game closer to reality or more complicated in its irreality.

  When planes didn't have innercial gyroscopes, the GPS hasn't been made available by Ronald Reagan, etc., there were basically two ways of flying:

  -With a dedicated navigator (case of the big bombers that covered long distances and where the lack of precission was a real, real problem).

  -By reference (as most of the fighters flawn, just knowing his "zone", flying from that hill to the bend of that river, etc.). Typically nobody would start a mission by himself without knowing the terrain, the zone, etc. Everybody was first "introduced" to the theater of operations by the elder pilots and the new one should only follow the more experienced ones.

  So, considering these:

  -For the bombers, if you don't have a submissive younger brother who could make the calculations for you, you would be always a single person trying to simulate the tasks of not less than 4 in a bomber, and you have to assume that it is "unreal" by nature.

  -For the fighters, if we try to respect "reality", you would never use the map on flight, because you always would be flying "known" zones, with relevant references tought to you in advance (or following bombers who rely on human navigation).

  So, would be "real" to have an uncertain location in the map of IL-2? Everything is quite apart from "real". You still have the radio compass which is pointing you precisely to the waypoint.



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Re: Minimap v2.1 - Updated Sept 3rd, multimode GUIPad
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2010, 10:59:04 AM »

This is a fantastic update Benito, thank you so much for this. I really like the new sea-search ability - now we can have real blackcat and anti-sub patrols!

@Slipper - I think FoF was something that was mainly implemented for ground radars at the time. I know German Nightfighters carried FoF transmitters but tried not to use them as they thought mosquitos could home in on the signals. I don't know if nightfighters could actually tell friend from foe by themselves, as I've read that SOP was to make a visual ID before engaging, on both sides. I know Serrate could pick up radar emissions from luftwaffe nightfighters, but I think this had a much longer range than standard radar for the time (much like the German homing device that could pick up H2S emissions from 60+ km away).


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Re: Minimap v2.1 - Updated Sept 3rd, multimode GUIPad
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2010, 11:33:40 AM »

I'm running UP2.01 no Zuti mods active that I know of. All I get it normal mode,no wheel zoom only right mouse button zooms in and out. I cant get any other mode than normal view. Is there another mod that may be conflicting?
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