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Author Topic: Minimap v2.3 - Updated Oct 12th, multimode GUIPad  (Read 55598 times)

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Re: Minimap v2.3 - Updated Oct 12th, multimode GUIPad
« Reply #144 on: June 27, 2014, 05:10:36 PM »

No clue what's possible to do in il2 mods, what's not, but decided to ask two feature requests:
1) can for this mod be implemented optional feature of saving updated minimap images at specified frequency at some specified in options directory? Or at very least initial static map image save in briefing or right after mission beginning. If not as image file, alternative way would be exporting them in some widely used remote display format, eg. vnc protocol, to which one might simply connect with vncviewer from other pc-s/devices.
- There are misc. apps that allow displaying instruments on remote screens or devices, but no clue how to get minimap on somewhere else but main screen. Imho saving files somewhere (be it local directory, remotely shared, or mounted remote network share), where whatever remote app refreshing/rereading/redisplaying latest updated screenshot of minimap seems somewhat simplest way to implement that. Due small size of minimap and with some light image compression imho traffic shouldn't be too high, even if refresh rate is each sec or higher. This feature imho should be usable even if minimap is hidden on main screen.
2) add ways to control minimap with keyboard or optionally gaming controllers. (optionally - because for many of them buttons can be bound to produce keycodes), to do at least main things, like:
center map on current position, zoom in & out by some increment, scroll map by some step up/down/right/left (and to work also in eg. briefing mode), optionally keys to zoom to predefined 2 or 3 zoom levels, optionally for switching minimap modes.
(2.) might be less urgent/optional, as many things can be done by displaying map on main screen, scrolling/zooming/switching modes there with mouse, hiding minimap there (with it still saving with (1.) minimap shots but now of new position/zoom/mode), but still would be nice to have and be usable with some of rarely used hotas buttons :). But then again maybe it's simpler to implement then (1.), so can be done independently if image save is implemented.
3) i'm not sure if it should belong to this or material of separate mod, but if same continuous image saving mechanism is used, maybe worth explore if it's possible also pass alongside saved maps minihud text of height & TAS, warning messages. Without touching devlink/udpspeed, just dumbly save that as images that are refreshed on separate screen, eg. mini screen behind MFD Cougar or smarthpone/pad below main screen. Even better of course, if one would be able to save screenshots of hud instruments too, like those of artificial horizont/IAS/height, if it would be possible to do indepenently of selected view, be it within cockpit or outside with HUD only. Again not sure if that can be done at all, but have some hunch/guess, that such dumb saving might be simpler to do then working with devlink/udpspeed.

Don't know where to better implement, in il2 config file, or in some text ini file, configurable options such as image save dir or which keys to bind to. Of course, keys can be hardcoded (hopefully not interfering with main il2 controls), and so can be image save path (with later workaroundable via some ntfs links), but ability to change them according individual preferences would simplify things.
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