gunny, if you want to experiment with the AAA dioramas before the UQMG Alpha, they are here: can definitely add them with some text editing to a mission, and you can use the Alt+ Mouse selection to copy and paste in IL-2 FMB, problem is that you can only do one group at a time, and you can't rotate them. If you use FMB the rotation is messed up.
The Diorama Importer will allow you to add up to 50 different types of dioramas per team (50 for red, 50 for blue), and you can place them infinitely, so if you want 10 copies of a diorama in different places in the map, you can do that (and each of those 10 can be pointed in a different direction), then you can also add 15 of another... each one of the 15 in a different angle if you want, whether it has Static, Objects or moving objects. It all gets placed perfectly and in the right direction.
It is pretty straight forward once you do it a few times...
1) Start UQMG 1946 Max
2) Start Diorama Importer (Shortcut is Ctr+D)
3) Select which Dioramas you want to use in your mission (or pick from a previously saved selection)
4) In FMB, load any existing IL-2 mission (there is a limitation below *)
5) Save the file under a different name so the original is not overwritten
5) Place the objects that will be substituted for the diorama you selected in the locations you want and point them to the direction you want (in IL-2, positive angles moves clockwise, default is 360, which is 0)
6) Open the file you edited in the Diorama Importer
7) Process the file...

Re-open the file in FMB and all the dioramas are now there...
9) Play mission or edit it further
(*) The only limitation today is that UQMG uses a file called 0_Key.mis to understand which objects it uses to substitute, and today it uses the first 100 objects in IL-2 list. I can try to change that later. What that means is that the original mission cannot have those objects, but the dioramas can. Because today many missions may use those objects maybe I can have alternative substitution objects... maybe the last 100, like rulers, etc, because they are not used in missions.