American Knights: The French Connection
This campaign was made with Il-2 1946, 4.10.1 #DBW 1916.
I can't verify if this campaign will work with anything else (but I wouldn't count on it).
This is a 20-mission, historical campaign, in which you will fly with Escadrille 124, the renowned "Escadrille Lafayette."
This campaign runs from May, 1916 to January, 1918.
You will fly the Nieuport 11, Nieuport 17b, and the Spad VII.
I'm learning to fly...
In my campaigns, always start with the highest rank available. You will thus have command of your squadron in the air in all missions, allowing you to order individual flights to attack specific targets.
...but I ain't got wings...
Occasionally, there is other air activity, and sometimes ground activity, going on during these missions. This is for the sake of immersion, a little reminder that there is more to this war than just you. Cycle through the cameras if you want to see what else is going on.
...coming down...
Air-to-air missions make up almost all of this campaign, as this would accurately reflect the missions of the real-life Escadrille Lafayette. the hardest thing...
Links to the Mods Needed:
And then, there are these additional aircraft:
(Zflyer48 is a rock star, is what I'm saying...)
Download this campaign here:
Please make use of the readme. There's information you'll want to know before flying this campaign.
Skins by: MURD0C, Vpmedia, Stiv_069, Max_the_Hitman, Archie
SPA124 Escadrille Lafayette by John Guttman, Osprey Publishing, 2004
Nieuport Aces of World War I by Norman Franks, Osprey Publishing, 2000
Spad VII Aces of World War I by John Guttman, Osprey Publishing, 2001
Like a Thunderbolt: The Lafayette Escadrille and the Advent of American Pursuit in World War I by Roger G. Miller
Air Force History and Museums Program, 2007
Thanx for downloading! Hope you enjoy!
Comments are always welcome!