Thanks for that, Frankiek!
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After all this years, after drifting away from Il2 and map building, after returning and after several hours .. mostly at night, when kids and girl friend were asleep, I am more than happy to present you this last piece of my modest map building work shop.
The German_Baltic_Sea_1939 - map brings you the northern coast of the "Reich", the "Danzig corridor", a small part of Polands coast, the whole of Denmark and the southern parts of Sweden at the beginning of the great tragedy of WW2.
The map comes with more than 100 airfields and sea plane stations, which are all individual and handmade. Many of them are basing on maps, plans or photos of the original ones. There are also some "hidden" airfields - try to find them! The cities on this map change their appearance deppending on the countries and contain outskirts, industrial areas, train stations and individual churches. Finally you will find a huge number of smaller or bigger special landmarks, points of interest or just famous facilities of this period.

I invite you to explore my map project and -in the first place- have fun with flying!
I would be happy, if you all would report back any error like wrong textures, missing objects, trees in water and so on.
Or just post some picture, if you like.
To bring you a little view into future (and to hold the pressure on myself :-) ), I am planing a "Cold War" version for the BAT Jet Era.
But here I am still in the phase of thinking ...
At the end, I want to say thank you to all guys, that helped me to finish this project. This help mostly came with technical support, but also with information about facilities and not to forget with test flying the pre versions.
So thanks to:
Storebror, Frankiek, Klaus_109, bomberkiller; theOden, Knochenlutscher, gunny0134, Whiskey_Sierra_972, Epervier, genXgamer, vonOben, Bots84.
I really hope I did not forget anyone.
Have fun and enjoy!
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # latest DL-link 16.09.2024: note below!)[...]
However, one thing that is unfortunate for me is that some place name on the map is broken.
This is related to the country-specific window that each user tries.
There are many countries that do not support that font, so I think it would be good to change the place name in English considering that.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 28.10.2024:
gunny0134 is testing some files of the ColdWar-version at the moment. While doing that, we found one more German letter, that was not replaced by now.
The German " ß " was replaced by " ss " like in " Grossenaspe " f.e.
So if you want, a version two of the ALTERNATIVEsettlements_texts