This is the DreamK mentioned invisible Mesh Bug, it can be cured in Skin.exe use by cleaning up the Main stack
and the whole Hier.him. You'll notice some Mesh can be set hidden to run ingame, has to to do with Java triggers.
In Sknil.exe you wish them to show up, hence we delete "hidden" line to get adittional Lametta visible.
Replace the first Stack of code with this.
VisibilitySphere 9
CollisionObject sphere 9
Mesh CF_D0
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.000000 -0.000000 0.024708
CollisionObject xcf1
CollisionObject xcf2
CollisionObject .xxpnm1
CollisionObject .xxhyd1
CollisionObject .xxtank3
CollisionObject .xxhispa1
CollisionObject .xxhispa2
This is just for Sknil.exe use, not Gaming purpose!!!You will meet far more troublesome Hier.him, where Sknil throws Errors loading it.
Watch the Debugger (Line), and edit, correct manually.
It's a task you need to know, delete troublesome tab spaces or useless fancy Typo.
Such Debugging is hard in plain Windoof Texteditor, I can recommend a Tool
like Notepad++, which has a better organized GUI, Design and editing capabillites.