I doubt the spitfire and Warhawk is original Setup,
some Details are too odd, Panelling, the type of Paint and Markings,
condition of Paint, Exhausts, even the parts glued together.
It's no crime to build Mockups, Replicas, but it's far from sth. genuine.
In my Studies I worked at a Jerry Junkyard,
our Henschel Postwar Junkmill/press had originial
Tiger Parts, can't remember in Detail. It was so loud.
The press was called Kitten/Miezekätzchen by the operator.
Secretive, is a bad habbit, what you have to hide?
It's never a good sign, should ring bells.
Honesty needs no secrets.
we had Gypsies trying to sell us ICE Tracks fresh from
the nearby Tracks. They were always secretive.
We made a call, and handcuffs clicked.
And for a Junkyard and clean condition I can say the above looks
messy, shabby. Storage and facility, having stuff sorted is utmost part in
Junkyard business. If you have collectors parts, you store them accordingly.
The desert scenery, shrubs are nice.