I have seen that at Aviaskins there is an attempt to have a 64bit IL-2 that looks promising.
Yes, "IL-2 x64":
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?t=5708I'm glad to see that meanwhile the game runs at least - it didn't when I checked the last time, but that was back at version
The latest at the time of typing this - - start flawlessly for me.
However, there's a couple of things that need to be addressed before I would consider that mod to be eligible for implementation in bigger packs like BAT or UP3.
For instance, the sound engine causes all piston engines to sound like a sewing machine.
Furthermore, in my setup I have the choice of low CPU+GPU usage with high frame rates, but massive Anti Aliasing issues. Only (UsePostFilter=6) MLAA gets me some sort of AA at all, but even then all transparency AA isn't working, and as a result you get jagged edges and shimmering all over the place.
MSAA (UsePostFilter=5) works, but the result is lower frame rates than Stock IL-2 at much higher (almost two-fold) CPU and GPU usage.
Considering that RAM isn't really an issue in IL-2 (2GB are enough by far) I'm wondering whether all of this is worth the effort.