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Author Topic: Loadouts and BombBay refinements v.2.1 (WIP)  (Read 2842 times)

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  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Loadouts and BombBay refinements v.2.1 (WIP)
« on: June 27, 2023, 03:29:12 AM »

Mission Carpet Banging for B.A.T.

Will post here a collection of projects I have been working at.
Traced some our Bombers could need a long needed overhaul at BombBay layouts.
JAP/GER/RUS Bombers, they are fairly good, I speak about US/GB Bombers, Heavies.
Another thing that is annoying, the low Hook number compared to amount of Bombs.
This is insane at our B-29 with a 4-Hook system and the extremely spread Drop patterns.
We have a Salvo System, but this can't get rid of the stringent too long trains.
Here I kicked in, to recreate more Stations, just representatives, but enough to
end the long trailing of stuff overboard.

This Thread supports Barnesey Mods, DreamK's wonderfull Ordonances that are now part of B.A.T. at a decent level.
I also support WxTech's newly refined M47 WPS (White Phosphorous Smoke) Mod.

Code: [Select]
Current List of Bomb Bay/Hooks Upgrade:







Beta/Incremental/critical: Remove old Beta first, then grab the all-in-one Pack, make sure to add PBJ Radome or dismiss, accordingly.
B-29 uses Barnesey 3-D as a Testrun, I like it, if you don't like, who cares.

Download new all in one Version 2.1

Code: [Select]
PBJ-Radome        air.PBJ_Radome 1                      NOINFO  usa01 DESERT
PB4Y-1            air.PB4Y_1 1                                usa01 SUMMER

100lb WPS M47A3 White Phosphorous bomb burst effect now included

introduction of WPS + critical TBM-3 Fix <<<<Remove if you had the Beta, needs rework

It's seperated into

Code: [Select]
a. overhauls (new Hook layout/compatibillty maintained)

Lancaster III

b. simple expansions (just a shitload of new Loadouts)


c. fixing issues (on the run)

Halifax SBC Errors

2 of these are already planted in WIPs seperated as Threads, I made this Post for the rest of Pack

Fortresses & Hudsons of RAF/CC + Mod v.3.3

RAF Bomber Command 2.0 for B.A.T.

WIP does not represent final build

B-29 Loadouts explained, 100lbs was on 56 Stations, two kind of central racks existed.
M24A1/M24A2 Hook and cable Clusters (currently not modelled)
2 versions existed, a 144xM47 Inc and 184xM47 inc Loadout, used up in Raids March and July 1945/Japan.

144x M47A1

Ours are made with the 3xM3 Clusters, a standin recreation.

B-24 Loadouts explained

100lbs appeared in 3 configurations

20x100lbs (regular)
40x100lbs (overload using 2x cable Hook Adapter Cluster)
52-60x100lbs (overload using 2x/3x cable Hook Adapter Clusters)

The cable Hook method was used for 250lb Loads too
12x250lb (regular)
24x250lb (overload using 2x cable Hook Adapter Cluster)

These variable Clusters were done by Armourers in hours of work,
here we see a standup Bombrack Installation that shows several
Cable and Hook Clusters Hanging.
Hook and Cables where usually made to fit the BombBay as tightly
as possible.

June-July of 2023

Best wishes

Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2023, 07:26:23 AM »

Looks great Tobias! Thank you. Only seeing one "layer" of bombs was disappointing.
"If we don't know what we're doing, neither will the enemy."


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2023, 02:20:35 PM »

Hi Geschirr  :D

Good News, B-29 has 48 Hooks now. 40 + 8 surplus Hooks is a 5th row to allow
spacing up on +500lbs loads and some cute stacking for things like x20.

Best wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2023, 03:43:30 AM »

Beta Testers welcome to the Carpet Bombing Trials.
Find the whole Beta Package in first Post.

It's still all WIP, being tested, chiseled (RAAF stuff  :P) .

No Weapons.ru, since we are in Beta here, get used to, also find Template Loadouts, these are visual reference Lines,
that I need to code them. They'll stay as long as it is in the Maintenance Depot here.

!!! Mission compatibillity/backward compatibillity is kept.!!!

In order to use the Beta, you'll need Fuses Fix, WxTechs WPS Effect, Loadout Fix and the 3 BombBay overhauls.

Requests for standard and overload is now in a fine balance. Where there were needs I adjusted,
to have a fair balance of historical stuff.

If you dismiss stuff, Fuses or Loadout Fix, don't wonder, you'll get Errors,
some contain critical Fixes necessary for BAT, others are Betas, allowing you to
peep in the Loadout red light quarter what is possible now. Don't forget tissues.
I'm no Bomber Guy myself, but testing them, was hell of a fun, as much as it is
a pleasure to recreate sth. historical.

Okay, let's settle this, be happy, deliver Carpets.
Best wishes

Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2023, 12:07:44 PM »

B-25J22 has seen an update, fixed double Loadouts, more Para and Frags added

Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2023, 04:04:09 AM »

Small News flash

B-29, B-29B completed

B-17D, E, F, G (stock) completed

current work is focussing on B-25s Loadout expansion

B-25H-1NA, B-25J-1NA, B-25J-15NA, B-25J-22NA so far converted

1C/TD fell victim to a literature myth, calling the first Mitchell Model to use Underwing Bombracks
as Model J-1. This fart fact is cited in the Warbird Tech publication and others.
Crowood Publication has it correct, stating coming with C/D series.

Fart fact 2:
1C/TD implemented the Wingrack codes, but ommitted them in
the final building on correct Models.  ;)

Here is proof:
Report NA-5231 Flight Manual for C and D Model B-25 (Restricted)
T.O. No. 01-80GB-1 Pilots Manual C/D Model B-25 (Restricted)

The following will receive underwing Bomb and BombBay refurbishing complements:
Code: [Select]
B-25C-25NA                               air.B_25C25                            1 NOINFO   usa01   SUMMER
B-25D-5NC                                air.B_25D5                             1 NOINFO   usa01   SUMMER
B-25D-20NC                               air.B_25D20                            1 NOINFO   usa01   SUMMER
B-25G-1NA                                air.B_25G1                             1 NOINFO   usa01   DESERT
B-25H-1NA                                air.B_25H1                             1 NOINFO   usa01   DESERT
B-25J-1NA                                air.B_25J1                             1 NOINFO   usa01   SUMMER
B-25J-15NA                               air.B_25J15                            1 usa01    SUMMER
B-25J-22NA                               air.B_25J22                            1 NOINFO   usa01   SUMMER

Not changed are HVAR Rocket selections, old Loadouts.
Still it's a slight, but noticeable difference in appearance, options.

That's it for news Gentlemen

Best wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2023, 04:09:52 AM »


Knochenlutscher, Hello! ;D

Download as soon as I'm free. Great job. Simply gorgeous.


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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2023, 04:33:59 AM »

Great addition! Many thanks for sharing.


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2023, 06:26:52 AM »

Hi Roman and Urmel,

It was just a News Flash of things agead.
A shitload of work still. But we're slowly crawling up a hill.

Remember current WIP has a limited Set of 4 Showcases.

Best wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2023, 06:43:00 AM »

Hi all!  will this new great stuff be included in next BAT patch?


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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2023, 08:52:46 AM »

Sure, when it's ready, why not, if it's prepped, cleaned up,
but I need to rewrite weapons.properties too.

Remember Vampire_Pilot is in charge for such decisions.

atm. there's a bit work ahead

Best wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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Re: Loadouts and BombBay refinements (WIP)
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2023, 02:41:23 PM »

News Flash on W.I.P. progress:

-B-17 Glide Bomb needs a Fix to integrate Glide Bomb,
need to find a suitable rack.
-B-25's and PBJ's conversion completed,
loadouts from Twisters and Karabas' Mods will be added

Here 2 Fixes I'm currently hauling to the Mitchells:
corrected Landing Lights and Propeller issues

new Landing Lights, still buggy prop

here's the new fixed Props

When the B-25s cod overhaul is completed I'll move to the B-24 Liberators.
They'll not last long, since one is already in a good shape, just the older
needs a upgrade to a similar Bombbay design.

That's it for news, keep it flying Gentlemen
see you next time when there's some progress

Best wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."
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