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Author Topic: Searching for BoB/Northern France Campaign That Started with Tiger Moth Training?  (Read 925 times)

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S! Pilots,

Some of you old-schoolers may be able to help me with this...

I may be completely mistaken as I have flown a fair few flight sims over the years, but I have vague memories of a campaign or set of missions, possibly for IL2:1946, that were focused on either BoB or UK Southern Coast/Northern France conflict that began with training for flying Spitfires using Tiger Moths. Now I may have got my wires completely crossed and it may be for another combat sim entirely, but does this ring any bells for anyone here?

Let me know your thoughts :)



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I think I remember this one. It was by Monty and was made for either TFM pack or CUP.


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 I don't even know what TFM or CUP is, so I guess what I think I remember must pre-date those mods. Searching around on Google for more evidence, I'm seeing references to 'Canon's English Channel Map' mentioned quite a bit and this sounds vaguely familiar. Is it possible that there were some missions or campaigns attached to that?



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Take a look in this group of Monty's campaigns.



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You are right this campaign exists and is starting with a few training missions i will need to dig it out from some vintage install will look into it tomorrow


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You are right this campaign exists and is starting with a few training missions i will need to dig it out from some vintage install will look into it tomorrow

Frankiek, that would be amazing, thank you. I like the fact you refer to it as 'vintage'  ;D



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I found it is a very old campaign for modded IL-2 4.09. It starts with the player flying the Gipsy Moth (U2VS) on the Slovakia map. 

The campaign is called  Biggin Hill Wing. While still searching if there is an updated version here is the link to the campaign


In principle the zip contains all that you need. I remember being able to play it with the AAA 1.2 Unified Installer.

Very vintage or as we could say a legacy campaign


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Thank you so much Frankiek for finding this - it's going to give me a huge nostalgia trip! ;D

I'm so pleased to see that despite the many years that have passed, not only is the IL2 community still going, but the values that made it such a great community to be a part of are still just as strong as they ever were.




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I remember being able to play it with the AAA 1.2 Unified Installer.

Rather than install the AAA 1.2 Unified Installer, would downloading and installing B.A.T. contain all the necessary content from the AAA 1.2 Unified Installer instead?



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Unified installer really not worth and it would be even difficult to find. If you have UP2.01 that would be fine and you can still find the download at MIssion4Today. For me a must have for any IL-2 lover.

Otherwise you can try UP3.4 or BAT but maybe you will need to adapt a few missions and weapons loadouts here and there. A nice tool to check and adapt old campaigns to newer versions of IL-2 is the campaign validator that you can find here



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Thank you for the extra advice and help Frankiek, appreciated.

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