Hello Mick, thank you very much for that as it rules out a thought I had from a past experience.

I have those pilot packs in BAT and no issues that I have noticed but I have not added anything to them as such and to be honest I have not fully tested them, however, I did have them in my ModAct 5.30 install at one time and had an issue with something similar to what I just experienced today with the Fiat but and once they were removed all was okay back then.
To be honest I really do not know what to look at, the log is no help although there seems to be a repeat of it over and again, a loop of some type maybe. My normal install has so much accumlated stuff in it collected over the years that I wonder how it continues to function, maybe this and the B58 were telling me it was reaching its end of days.

Anyway, no worries, it only seems to be me and it does work in BAT so no problem, I have seen the updates you guys have made but as of now have not gone through those threads and added them to what I already have, it is in the pending tray, so it was nothing to do with that post you gave a link for.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.