All Female solution would be giving a new Nation VVS-Fem, turn i.e. historical Slots into Fem-Clones,
Pe-2/3/8, Po-2, Yak-1 ... attribute an F, for female.
meaning adding proper Fem-Ranwers Pilots. You end up in an entirely Fem Squad, surrounding fitting.
You can run as Allied and if you have all actors Chatter, they'll be well laid out.
But shortcoming would be, the F Clones will show up Females in the Male universe,
here is the Game mechanic, it'll not recognize these as Fem, but Universal (male) if not under that VVS-Fem Nation.
So certain stuff might be lurking through. But not as eye poking, I think.
Mixing, I mean, using up from current Resources would be crap. Look at the way the Dutch Speech Pack was made, mixing
Dutch and Indonesian, actors coding has restrictions that fart inbetween.
Or how to get Female Pilots with our universal Pilots, ehhhm, definitely sth. I don't wanna see mixed up.
Good idea, just think it right to lay out properly...
We need proper Ressources, Female Fighter pilots, Gunners, a proper SpeechPack.
Coding the new VVS Fem Nation and reslotting fem Aircraft is least of the jobs.
The result is a full swing (all fem) and switching (select Nation) abillity in DGen, Campaign if added properly.
If well laid out, it is universal, not only for DGen, but every aspect of the game.