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Author Topic: Trying to Improve My Ping  (Read 580 times)

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Trying to Improve My Ping
« on: January 28, 2023, 03:48:08 PM »


     I'm trying to improve my ping to the sas server. I just over doubled my internet speed; was getting 67 mbps on the download and about 20 on the upload. I converted from DSL copper wire to Fiber Optic.

    Now I'm getting 115 mbps on both the upload and the download. My ping to the server before conversion was around 136; now I'm at 131. I expected a big improvement in the ping; I know there are other things rather than connection speed that can affect ping. Everything runs smooth on my end and I don't get any stutters or lag.

    I'm located in Oklahoma, United States so location may be a factor;
Thinking about contacting the lead tech at my ISP to see if there's a smoother route and way for improvement as I know I'm routed through Dallas, Texas; and I just wonder if upgrading the network card would have any affect.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,

Mescof1 (John)


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Re: Trying to Improve My Ping
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2023, 04:34:56 PM »

Hi, i would not count for any big improvement, bullets of those who live across the pond need more time to hit the target (distance) ;).
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Re: Trying to Improve My Ping
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2023, 01:08:47 AM »

IL-2 is "what you see is what you get".
When a player shoots a plane and hits it, the hit counts.
Whether the bullets have a 100ms delay or 1000ms doesn't matter.
You aim it, you shoot it, you hit it, you down it.
It's rather a problem of your victim that he might think he was safe when in fact he isn't, due to lag.
That's why Server Operators use to set certain ping limits as otherwise the gameplay would become pure madness.

That being said, bandwidth has no effect on roundtrip times as long as there's still bandwidth left for the ping itself (which it is, as long as you're not using an old 300 baud modem).
130~140ms is a perfect ping value from the US. Our Server is located in Nuremberg/Germany.
You can see comparative roundtrip times within another hoster's internal network here:
Those times are highly optimized already, so what you got is the utmost you can expect.

TL;DR: All is fine.

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Re: Trying to Improve My Ping
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2023, 02:18:31 AM »

Thanks !  That chart is great information.......128.8 is optimum from Okla City to your server and I'm at 131.

Those times are highly optimized already, so what you got is the utmost you can expect.
Unless I drill another oil well and install my own personal line....there's always a way.

Thanks for the information; much appreciated.

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Re: Trying to Improve My Ping
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2023, 02:44:24 AM »

Unless I drill another oil well and install my own personal line....there's always a way.
You can win a bit if you manage to drill a straight line through mother earth.
The great circle distance is ~8.260km, whereas the straight line is "just" ~7.780km.
You could theoretically get down to 122ms rtt that way, it "just" takes the 7780km hole to dig and throw a cable into.

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Re: Trying to Improve My Ping
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2023, 03:21:42 AM »

No, No, No,…use the money generated from the oil well and lay a line across the ocean with no traffic except me…or how bout a satellite?   I’ll get down to 120 by kicking some a** with my ISP.  Just joking….thanks again for your input.  That ping chart was good info.



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Re: Trying to Improve My Ping
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2023, 03:43:33 AM »

In all seriousness, and setting any kidding aside: I wasn't trying to lower my ping to improve my performance; or shooting skills (that just takes practice); or to give me any advantage --- I just didn't want to cause any lag on the server due to me having what I thought was a high ping. Thanks again for your input...john


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Re: Trying to Improve My Ping
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2023, 12:00:44 PM »

how bout a satellite
Gets you the most miserable ping you've ever seen.
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.
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