just purchased 1l2 sturmovik 1946 on GOG.com. Havent started installing it yet, the thing is big and i have other games to download first. It takes about 1 hour to downlaod 1 gig.
started playing Rise of Flight durng covid shutdown. Had to build a new pc after a year of flying almost 3 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week. New pc wouldnt play ROF for long time, had to do do alot of frustration to finally get it to run. In the mean time i went with flying circus and most of un great battles. played that alot, enough to destroy a joy stick after 1.5 years. however i had to get rid of great battles due to the jerking around with damage and flight and ammo models.
Rise of Flight developed a problem for me once Flying Circus 2 released the Nieuport 28, and FC 1 did as well, the german planes other then Dr.1 no longer fly, they instantly become gliders, even with engines at full power they simply crash after 6 or 7 minutes. And the Dr1 engine just stops running after about 10 minutes no matter the speed.
Here is my thing, i do not understand what does what. All i can actually understand based on the information in this section of the forum... i need to get my actual game installed, download a mod activator program. THEN downlaod the mod itself..
I am ONLY interested in OFF LINE playing. Its one reason i hate great battles.
my interests is 1900 to 1950.