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Author Topic: correct installation of things  (Read 468 times)

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correct installation of things
« on: January 02, 2023, 12:03:11 AM »

just purchased 1l2 sturmovik 1946 on GOG.com.  Havent started installing it yet, the thing is big and i have other games to download first.  It takes about 1 hour to downlaod 1 gig.

started playing Rise of Flight durng covid shutdown.   Had to build a new pc after a year of flying almost 3 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week.   New pc wouldnt play ROF for long time, had to do do alot of frustration to finally get it to run.  In the mean time i went with flying circus and most of un great battles.  played that alot, enough to destroy a joy stick after 1.5 years.  however i had to get rid of great battles due to the jerking around with damage and flight and ammo models.
                Rise of Flight developed a problem for me once Flying Circus 2 released the Nieuport 28, and FC 1 did as well, the german planes other then Dr.1 no longer fly, they instantly become gliders, even with engines at full power they simply crash after 6 or 7 minutes.  And the Dr1 engine just stops running after about 10 minutes no matter the speed.

Here is my thing, i do not understand what does what. All i can actually understand based on the information in this section of the forum... i need to get my actual game installed, download a mod activator program. THEN downlaod the mod itself..

I am ONLY interested in OFF LINE  playing.  Its one reason i hate great battles.

my interests is 1900 to 1950.


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Re: correct installation of things
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 06:26:37 AM »

G'day BandeauRouge

You need to have version 4.12.2 to begin with prior to installing either B.A.T. or VP Modpack.
Depending on which version you have downloaded from GOG.com use the Mega Patch or Unpatcher found here.

Then simply install B.A.T. or VP Modpack, but be aware both have large initial downloads broken up into a dozen or more .zip files.
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Re: correct installation of things
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2023, 11:20:25 PM »

G'day BandeauRouge

You need to have version 4.12.2 to begin with prior to installing either B.A.T. or VP Modpack.
Depending on which version you have downloaded from GOG.com use the Mega Patch or Unpatcher found here.

Then simply install B.A.T. or VP Modpack, but be aware both have large initial downloads broken up into a dozen or more .zip files.

IS there any need to install either SAS Selector v5.0.3 or direct 2 drive or SAS ModAct 5.3 before i try to get the BAT downloaded?

I see references to JSGME, am i gonna have to download that as well?


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Re: correct installation of things
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2023, 11:53:57 PM »

Hi mate

There is no need to install any of the things mentioned above, they're either not needed or already found in B.A.T.
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Re: correct installation of things
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2023, 01:55:53 AM »

IS there any need to install either SAS Selector v5.0.3 or direct 2 drive or SAS ModAct 5.3 before i try to get the BAT downloaded?

I see references to JSGME, am i gonna have to download that as well?

No need to, since, as I wrote in my other reply: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,70086.0.html

-> If it is not explicitly mentioned, you do not have to install/download... anything to get BAT running. Trust me on this on;)
In these cases for instance, BAT comes with a selector and also with a JSGME, ready to use.

You however can, if you so desire, get a newer version of the selector if one's available. No hurt, but also no immediate gain... Or simply wait until that is rolled out in a future BAT update if it's deemed desirable.
But all you need at any given moment is just what is in the BAT install sequence list.

Also, it is usually frowned upon to make several topics for the same question. Stick to one topic so all the replies go to the same topic as well.
I will lock this one.
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