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Author Topic: Is this the Def Skies?  (Read 827 times)

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Is this the Def Skies?
« on: December 01, 2022, 04:26:43 PM »

Hi all;

 I just came up with a spiky clouds problem so I tried to fix it with what I read from some related articles and somehow enabled the Def Skies in my JSGME in BAT. I never really confirmed its looks but the pics shows its not spiky, can someone say if its the Def Skies mod? Replies are much appreciated.

[note: the first image is not showing]


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Re: Is this the Def Skies?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2022, 04:05:11 AM »

I think you haven't really understood what Def Skies is or does.
It replaces only the top sky texture with a common one over all maps, it has nothing to do with clouds and has no effect on clouds whatsoever.

It's a prerequisite mod for the sky randomizer mod, so all maps have the same file reference for that texture.

Over all these clouds do not look like "standard BAT". Any cloud mods in place?
I recently encountered a spiky cloud issue when I updated the AMD driver and had to roll back to an older version. I would rather look in such a direction.


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Re: Is this the Def Skies?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2022, 07:09:30 PM »


Now I understand its only the top sky and it doesn't include clouds, from that I could use a different clouds for the sky. Thanks for the info, again much appreciated. And btw I haven't seen that clouds here or on BAT why I ask and maybe its just an accident but its not spiky anymore. I got AMD too and uses Adrenaline as graphics game aid to run it okay and so far its the correct version & successfully installed it[no upgrade no downgrade]. I'm going to use clouds mod for now.. :) I'm searching
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Re: Is this the Def Skies?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2022, 02:59:35 AM »



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Re: Is this the Def Skies?
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2022, 04:10:53 AM »

You may have been caught up in AMD driver hell.


Interestingly funny of what you mean "driver hell'. If my AMD is hell I got no choice but Im satisfied with it. Though the discussion there [that link]which I read is about 'perfect mode' I'm not sure if the BAT I got was already in that 'perfect mode'.  It can run BF its kinda powerful driver for me but only in marginal capacity. Thats what UserBenchmark app says. This is a basis:  UserBenchmark is a benchmarking tool that tests your machine's hardware; it is a broader tool when compared to Superposition which focuses on gaming.. The results are saved to its online database, and it has millions of users (according to the numbers on the site). That's how the ranking system works, your results are compared with other user's who have the same hardware.
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Re: Is this the Def Skies?
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2022, 04:28:25 AM »

Interestingly funny of what you mean "driver hell'. If my AMD is hell I got no choice but Im satisfied with it. Though the discussion there [that link]which I read is about 'perfect mode' I'm not sure if the BAT I got was already in that 'perfect mode'. 

Perfect mode is a setting in Il-2. It has nothing to do with benchmark. It means highest possible quality of graphics or simply OpenGL mode.
And you having an AMD card means, you are restricted from updating your drivers above a certain level (For me it is 22.5.2) or you will get: messed up graphics, mysterios "rings on maps",  spiky and/or otherwise messed up clouds (rings a bell?) and whatnot without any chance to "fix" it, unless you roll back the driver. No matter what you do in the conf.ini, which btw gets scrambled with newer drivers (locking it read only does not help your graphics). You better have a backup of a really well set up conf.ini in conjunction with a working driver version.
I am in the same boat. I am talking from frustrating experience.


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Re: Is this the Def Skies?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2022, 08:24:57 PM »

Hi all again;

I decided to share if this conf settings which I have will result to the clouds in my pic that is not spiky, just feedback. I'm not techy but this is what my findings. For those having AMD driver and problems with spiky clouds. Some mods in BAT4.2.1 that I enabled, are Def SkiesWAW3 and WAW Screen SWOTL only, If you decide to add others depends as long as long as the settings is first simple.

sorry using the pastebin isnt tried yet
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Re: Is this the Def Skies?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2022, 08:41:49 PM »

Its not perfect obviously[new preview]:



Just start from BAT 4.2.1 with newly installed RedCore+ Flashpoint[no other previous mods]

*and BTW don't forget to r-click on il2 exe shortcut, go to compatibility and check override high dpi scaling behavior.
..using win10 64bit
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