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Author Topic: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta  (Read 9585 times)

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Sergent Pepper

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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2022, 06:43:41 AM »

I don't understand and need explanations if it's useful, I can make my own opinion.
What's the great difference between "banned" (untrue) ans "revoked of Admin Group" (true, as Storebror said)?
I know an ex-Admin becomes a simple member (not banned), but for the "ego" (we all get one)  of a great worker like him?


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2022, 10:41:10 AM »

What's the great difference between "banned" (untrue) ans "revoked of Admin Group" (true, as Storebror said)?
I know an ex-Admin becomes a simple member (not banned), but for the "ego" (we all get one)  of a great worker like him?
Hard to tell.
What's the point in being an admin when you don't fulfill any admin tasks, don't talk to other admins, simply act like any other bull in a china shop?
It's beyond me, but I'm open for suggestions ;)

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.

Sergent Pepper

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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2022, 02:53:30 PM »

An admin who doesn't any tasks of an admin, who doesn't talk with nobody I name him a "ghost".
Why ban a ghost?
What issues with ghost?

So, I've no suggestion. :)
Name an admin more?

I think too when VPmedia wrote (on M4T) he was banned, it was not a lie.
He was banned from Admin group.
It was not complete (like here as well)  but not a lie.
I like to understand what happens around me.
It's very hard sometimes.
Complete information avoid rumors and misunderstanding.

A rivederci. :)



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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2022, 12:18:34 AM »

You missed the "bull in a china shop" part.
When an admin starts acting like a maniac publically while wearing the admin tag/flag, a red line has been crossed.

There is definitely a difference between being banned and being removed from a privileged usergroup.
I duly hope we can agree on that, and on the fact that especially when discussing such peculiar matters in public, it's a good idea to express oneself precisely.

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2022, 12:57:37 AM »

Drama aside, does anyone have opinions on the mod itself? I have BAT installed already. Is this worth installing as well?

Vpmedia's reworking of many maps is truly impressive as are his aircraft skins;

Well, a great many of VP's retextured maps are in BAT as well, so is his default skin work at great lengths.

Looking at the content of the newest package, it comes with a great many basic game files and exe and dll files. No idea what happens if you slap those on top of a BAT install.
I would definitely not recommend it.
I can already see that some of those are older versions than what BAT delivers and what's necessary, namely the selector itself for starters.

You can always try for yourself, that's modding after all...

Sergent Pepper

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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2022, 07:20:23 AM »

You missed the "bull in a china shop" part.
When an admin starts acting like a maniac publically while wearing the admin tag/flag, a red line has been crossed.

There is definitely a difference between being banned and being removed from a privileged usergroup.
I duly hope we can agree on that, and on the fact that especially when discussing such peculiar matters in public, it's a good idea to express oneself precisely.

Oh yeah, I can agree with plenty of things.
When tracks are available.
How to understand when not?
I said too,before,  the difference is weak between beeing banned (like simple member) and "excluded of an Admin group" for such great modders you are all.

So the common of members is enthusiastic with BAT, with VPModpack (and others) , with great mods of planes, ships , sounds (Tiger's sounds UV2 & 3, visual pal mods and so on).
A NEW mod user like many, again today  discover all these mods posted in previous dates,.
Step by step, he discover that authors do not  post any thing any more.
It's easy to know about some of them, like Tiger33.
Tracks exist.
He said: I stop: I've enough worked.
But VPmedia, Benitomuso (Pablo)?
For me nothing else to add.
Now, I know your point of view and VPmedia one's.
I can understand: now.




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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2023, 05:53:07 AM »

Does this have the following Pearl Harbor mission?


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2023, 11:32:19 AM »

Thank you Vpmedia, I have just installed your new Modpack1.2 Beta, no problems, everything works ]thumleft[

Ps. The game did not work until installed the Carmaster 2017 highpoly dll :

Thank you for sharing Mike 8),

Best Regards,
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