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Author Topic: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta  (Read 9526 times)

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VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« on: October 13, 2022, 04:30:14 AM »

Released by vpmedia, posted here just for information:


Single file install, after extracting it into your game folder and adding the required conf.ini entries, just start with il2selector.exe.

Install instructions:

You can simply right click the vpmodpack_2022_7z.001 file > 7zip > Open Archive > Ctrl+A > drag contents to your IL-2 1946 folder and if asked say yes to overwrite files. Your game folder should be outside the Program files folder.

Patch-01, extract to your game folder:

Requires the 4.12.2 version of the game.

If you want to update your old vpmodpack you need the #SAS folder and the Missions/QuickQMBPro folder. Rename your old #SAS folder to -#SAS that way you have a backup if you want to revert.

List of changes:

-unused and duplicate files removed
-new QMB mission set
-new jsgme mod set
-Reshade/SweetFx added by default with HDR/Bloom effects (you can remove it with jsgme)
-new clouds (you can deactivate it with jsgme)
-dgen ops files update (more planes in missions)
-all gunsight reticles checked and bugs fixed, new german gunsight reticles
-cockpit mat file fixes and updated damage textures: hires bullet holes and oil
-all vehicle/gun/armor textures and mat files checked and improved, lots of fixes on damaged versions
-vehicle columns updated
-new desert and winter versions for a large number of vehicles and guns
-updates on many aircrafts default skins
-50+ new ships and vehicles added
-new maps: my versions of Poland39 and Green hell
-all available maps added to the list
-few reworked aircraft added:
B-24D, J2F Duck, YB-40, early P-38's, Mig-7/11, Fw-187, Fw-190A-1, He-100/112, Ju-86, Siebel-204, Ta-154

Note: there's no dramatic change compared to the old version, this is just the final polish it deserved.

Contents of the package:

Optional skinpacks:
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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2022, 05:17:08 PM »

Thank you for updating your modpak. I have however noticed the exterior cockpicks for the Me109 e models are white and nontra
nsparent. Not sure if I am the only one experiencing this. Thanks.


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2022, 08:36:12 PM »

Did you remember to download the ' vpmodpack_1_2_patch1 ' and install it.
Here is the "fix" list for Patch1:
Code: [Select]
vpmodpack_1_2_patch1 List:
00_BF109_Ultimate_Pack_v4  <======
00_Typhoons & Tempests_V2c
I have not seen the problem with the 'E' series 109's that you mentioned .

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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2022, 12:18:44 PM »

Thank you for updating your modpak. I have however noticed the exterior cockpicks for the Me109 e models are white and nontra
nsparent. Not sure if I am the only one experiencing this. Thanks.

Did you remember to download the ' vpmodpack_1_2_patch1 ' and install it.
Here is the "fix" list for Patch1:
Code: [Select]
vpmodpack_1_2_patch1 List:
00_BF109_Ultimate_Pack_v4  <======
00_Typhoons & Tempests_V2c
I have not seen the problem with the 'E' series 109's that you mentioned .


I can Confirm The White, Nontransparent Canopy Glass visuals, but it happens on some of the (QMB)maps only, channel maps for example.
and it's not just with the Bf109s, some other aircrafts are having the issue including bf110s, p51A, Ki84, etc.

'vpmodpack_1_2_patch1' does not fix the issue.

I guessed the high resolution texture mod (Here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=33239.0 and also Here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=42744.0) would fix the problem but it does not.  :(


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2022, 03:44:28 PM »

Please if you have bugs or issues with this update, post it at M4T (edited by SAS~Storebror)

That way VP can see your problem and maybe address it.
He is banned from this site, so although someone here might be able to help it's best to bring it to VP's attention.
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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2022, 04:15:05 PM »

They don't know how to read... in the first post it is written in the first sentence: "posted here just for information:"   :D  :D  :P
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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2022, 02:07:47 AM »

He is banned from this site

I need to stress that this is and always was a lie.
I know that it's part of the folklore on other sites to spread lies about each and everyone being banned here, but that's simply not true.
Even repeating this doesn't make it true.
And even if VP himself is stating that he was banned here: Untrue.

Simple truth is that at some point in the past, when VP was a member of our admin group, he decided to stop communicating, stop listening to what he's been told and simply do his own thing.
That got his admin group membership revoked, after which he decided to throw a tantrum in an attempt to edit all his posts on this site to blanks, which got his rights revoked to edit posts, and ever since he decided simply not to post here anymore.
All of this happened back in 2018 and VP's last visit was in 2020 (see... not banned).

I'd love to clarify this fact over at M4T too, but in contrast to us not banning each and everyone for no reason here, I am banned at M4T, and if you want to know the reason: It was because I dared to vote "1 star" to a screenshot of a fellow admin over there, back in the days when voting screenshots was still possible. May anyone who feels concerned make up their own mind about this, I don't really care much.

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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2022, 11:45:42 AM »

Drama aside, does anyone have opinions on the mod itself? I have BAT installed already. Is this worth installing as well?


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2022, 12:19:54 PM »

I have the original standalone version, which is my  standard game, together with BAT. Definitely worth installing,


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2022, 12:23:00 PM »

I have the original standalone version, which is my  standard game, together with BAT. Definitely worth installing,

Cool. Could you elaborate a bit on what it does differently from BAT?


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2022, 01:00:39 PM »

Vpmedia's reworking of many maps is truly impressive as are his aircraft skins; vp_modact has also incorporated a jetwar section, and is a great piece of meticulous work altogether . BAT is definitely a "richer" alternative, offering a much wider and ever expanding range of mods and visual enhancements. Actually you can add vp_modpack to BAT. I have eliminated all previous versions of the game (I had up to five coexisting in my computer), and now I am playing with vp_modpack and BAT.A|t the end it's your choice...


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Re: VP Modpack 1.2 Beta
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2022, 01:03:27 PM »

Vpmedia's reworking of many maps is truly impressive as are his aircraft skins; vp_modact has also incorporated a jetwar section, and is a great piece of meticulous work altogether . BAT is definitely a "richer" alternative, offering a much wider and ever expanding range of mods and visual enhancements. Actually you can add vp_modpack to BAT. I have eliminated all previous versions of the game (I had up to five coexisting in my computer), and now I am playing with vp_modpack and BAT.A|t the end it's your choice...

Thanks! I sometimes find it overwhelming with all the different mods, so I appreciate your perspective.
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