The stock J2M3 and 5 (in B.A.T., at least) have the 'normal' pilot's viewpoint set a little high. Because of the cockpit class code strangely limiting the range of up-down virtual head movement, even with 6dof head tracking the sight picture is not good. And so I've lowered the 'normal' PoV to equal that for the 'gunsight view' PoV. Moreover, I've moved both these PoV's farther forward so as to show more of the reticle as seen through the sight's reflector plate.
This little mod includes only the Body.msh file for each cockpit.
Get it here: the [Hooks] section of Body.msh, the PoV is moved via the last 3 of the 12 numbers. The direction of movement is Left, Back and Up when the values are increased, hence the "// L B U" notation.
CAMERA is the 'normal' pilot position.
CAMERAAIM is the view closer to the sight when SHF-F1 is hit.
CAMMERAUP is the seat raised viewpoint after the canopy is slid back and the "raise seat" (or something like that) key is hit.
I've adjusted somewhat to my taste, but of course now you can tweak to your heart's content.