Figured I'd start a screenshot thread, they seem to be all the rage these days.
This won't be artistic or anything, just a little nostalgia archive for me to look at 5 years from now. All screenshots in this thread are taken with UltraPack 3.4, my special blend of effects mods, on the ~SAS~UltraPack~ multiplayer server. You're going to see a lot of familiar faces on this thread if you fly on it.
Fun over Balaton with hordes of enemy bombers!
Loku and I rest after a spout with some Russian bombers over Hungary...
Hog RtBs after a fight with a tricky La-5 pilot who pretended to be dead...
Next mission: Operation Troptot.
Hog chases a '109 in his Typhoon Mk.IB. No matter what he does, the '109 is always just
slightly faster...
But, with patience, he sets up the right angle, and...
Loku flies over southern England in his Mustang with the little Polish emblem nose marking...