UJS is now "out-of-date", and has been replaced with the completely redone jet sounds from the Next Generation Unified Sound Mod. See this thread for more information.~ UJS ~
UJS 1.3 is a continuation of the UJS v1.24 mod, with a redesigned preset architecture and new set of generic sounds to improve the engine blast sound, inside and out, from all distances, and drastically improve flybys. Afterburners, turbine sounds, and many engines have all received comprehensive upgrades.
In UJS 1.24, we saw two editions: BAT edition and standard edition, one for BAT and one for custom installs. Now, there are four editions: BAT Edition, Complete Edition, Legacy Edition, and Stock Edition. Which one do you get? See below:
[UJS 1.31 BE: BAT Edition] - BAT 3.X users
- BAT 4.1 users, and BAT 4.2+ users who installed 4.1
[UJS 1.31 CE: Complete Edition] - ModAct users who
have EngineMod 2.7 or later
- BAT 4.X users who did
NOT install 4.1
[UJS 1.31 LE: Legacy Edition] - ModAct users who
do NOT have EngineMod 2.7 or later
- UltraPack, DBW, and HSFX users
- 4.09 rebels
[UJS 1.31 SE: Stock Edition] - Stock, unmodded 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, and 4.15 users
UJS does not support the stock game before version 4.12m.
If you want more detailed information, read the README!
README UJS v1.31.txt-------------------------------------------------------------------
UJS v1.31 by FL2070
All IL-2 Sturmovik modifications made by FL2070 are
made under the DWTFYWWI lisence. They may be, and are
encouraged to be edited, redistributed, used for other
games or purposes, and improved.
If you make an edit of this modification, and you think it's
worth sharing, don't hesitate.
UJS v1.31 is a modification for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 which
modifies the sounds of the jets in-game.
- 12 different jet soundsets for all jets in the game, all using
high quality audio files sampled in 44.1 khz.
- One rocket soundset for use with aircraft such as the Me-163.
- Sounds which vary by distance: zoom out to hear the blast
of the engine from far away, zoom in to hear the turbine screech.
- Additional "cockpit fan" sound effect for all jets.
- AOA warning sounds for modern jets have been fixed so you
don't hear them outside of the cockpit.
- This README, which contains usage information, installation
instructions, compatibility information, troubleshooting,
filesizes, the changelog, and a matrix of sounds and which
presets and folders and planes they use. The README is also
identical to the main post on the sas1946 forum.
Remember to delete any old version of UJS before installing!
CE (complete edition)
Complete edition is for people who have custom ModAct installs,
and have EngineMod 2.7 or later. It has every UJS soundset in one
mod, and has afterburner sounds ENABLED.
Install UJS CE by extractng/moving/copying the "UJS v1.30 CE"
folder to your game's mods folder—usually called "#SAS".
LE (legacy edition)
Legacy edition is for people who don't use engine mod, or people
who use a version of engine mod that doesn't support afterburner
sounds, including UltraPack 3.X users. It has doesn't have GE-403
or RR-402 sounds, and has afturburner sounds DISABLED.
Install UJS LE by extractng/moving/copying the "UJS v1.30 LE"
folder to your game's mods folder—usually called "#SAS".
BE (BAT edition)
BAT edition is for people who use BAT 3.X or BAT 4.X. It has every
UJS soundset divided between two instances: one for the WAW module,
and one for the JTW module. It has afterburner sounds ENABLED.
Install UJS BE by extracting/moving/copying the "#WAW3" and
"#JTW3" folders to your game's main folder, so that they merge
with the "#WAW3" and "#JTW3" folders which are already there.
SE (stock edition)
Stock edition is for people who have an unmodded game of version
4.12m or later (4.12, 4.13, 4.14, and 4.15 when it's released).
It has the Jumo004, HeS11, GE40, and TRD soundsets, and has no
soundsets that use afterburner sounds.
Install UJS SE by extracting/moving/copying the "my_presets" and
"my_samples" folders to your game's main folder, so that they
merge with the "my_presets" and "my_samples" folders which are
already there.
PROBLEM: I do not hear any new jet sounds/I only hear some sounds.
- Check the folder structure. You should be able to find idle.wav
in the directory IL-2/(mods folder)/! UJS v1.30/samples/AI25/idle.wav.
If there are extra erroneous folders, delete UJS and reinstall
it, making sure to check the correct directories.
If that doesn't work, and you are on version 4.12m or later:
- Check the my_presets folder in the base game, because presets in
that folder override presets in MODS folders. If there are presets
in there, go to MODS/UJS/presets/sounds and copy the presets and
paste them to IL-2/my_presets/sounds.
PROBLEM: I don't like the buzzing noise on Ta-183/He-162C/D/MiG-21
Buzzing/humming engines are HeS-11 and Tumanski/R-11. To disable
this sound, add minus characters to the front of the names of the
following files:
- UJS/samples/HeS11/buzz.av
- UJS/samples/R-11/buzz.wav
PROBLEM: I don't hear afterburner sounds.
Afterburner sounds not being heard are not a UJS problem, but
a problem with the system of mods you have installed. Certain
older versions of western's engine mod broke afterburner sounds,
but if you update to the latest version, that should fix it.
PROBLEM: I hear afterburner sounds even when my engine is off.
Afterburners being heard when the engine is not running can
be solved by installing the latest version of SAS Engine Mod,
or by adding minus signs to the beginning of the following two
- UJS/samples/UJS_Common/afterburn.wav
- UJS/samples/UJS_Common/x_afterburn.wav
The second solution, though, disables afterburner sounds
PROBLEM: Certain planes sound "broken", "incomplete", or
This is most likely a programming error in UJS. Report the
problem to me on the SAS1946 forums so I can fix it in the
next update of UJS.
PROBLEM: The Jumo 004 is so high pitched, it hurts my ears.
Jumo 004 had a very high pitched turbine sound in real life, so
I modelled it that way. To decrease this effect, go in to the
following two files and make these edits:
- motor.Jumo004.prs
- motor.Jumo004A.prs
Find the "minlo" and "maxhi" values in the section called
[sample.Jumo004/turbine.wav.rpm] and decrease the "maxhi" value
to 2700.
UJS SOUNDSET LIST (alphabetical order)
AI25 RRViper L39 L159 MB339 Su25 AI-25 4
Dervent Dervent Meteor FICTIONAL SOUND 1
GE40 GE40 RD-10 I-40 Yak15 YP80 I250 FICTIONAL SOUND 1
HeS11 HeS-11 He162C/D Ta183 FICTIONAL SOUND 3
J42 J-42 J42 Avon CACSabre F83 F9F F80 GE F110 1
J47 J-47 J47 J-47afterburner F86 F4 F100 etc GE J47 1
Jumo004 Jumo004 Jumo004A Me262 He162A Ar234 Go229 GE CJ610 3
R11 Tumanski MiG21 MiG23 NK-8 2
Rocket ME_163 D-1-A-1100 BI_1 Me163 BI1/6 MXY7 Yak3R Rocket Engine none
TRD TRD RD-20 MiG9 D-30KU 2
VK1 Klimov_VK1 Klimov_VK1F Mig15 Mig17 Mig19 Klimov VK-1 2
GE403 GE-403 RR-402 F18 Yak36 F16 F14 AV8B GE GE403 4
* Due to the amount of mods that exist, some planes which are
affected by this mod may not be listed.
DOWNLOADSDOWNLOAD UJS v1.31 BE - BAT EDITION (ZIP format, 310 MB)DOWNLOAD UJS v1.31 CE - COMPLETE EDITION (ZIP format, 172 MB)DOWNLOAD UJS v1.31 LE - LEGACY EDITION (ZIP format, 160 MB)DOWNLOAD UJS v1.31 SE - STOCK EDITION (ZIP format, 85 MB)Have many different game types? Don't want to waste your time clicking four different downloads? Well, then, you'd better...
DOWNLOAD UJS v1.31 Superpack (all editions) (ZIP format, 692 MB)And, as always:

P.S.: Catch any bugs or mistakes? Tell me below so I can fix it. Cheers!