No match for an Oscar presents
new Ki-43 II-III 3-D collated
collated newer 3-D Upgrades by Barnesey, Haifisch and TFS collated in one small Pack.
No more messing around with no match to an Oleg Maddox Oscar Skin or anything you have done to
Oscars anyway.
Skinpack included, Skins previously Made by Stanislao and the WT Skinners Faction...
Please take care of the incl. Skins Folder, move, delete to proper location ...Thanks
Still no match for a bug here, may get fixed...
- rockets floating
- Canopy open floating mesh
- any other Bug I haven't seen here
These Oscars are only a match for latest BAT, no other version tested here...
No match for a Downloadlink match for a basic Blank Template
No match for a Screenshot
No match for a Credit
No match for a DTFWYWWI License