Let me tell u a little story
I share the same love for WWI planes as you (so, indirectly, also for WW1 flight-sims), so I´m going tbh with u. For many years i played Rise of Flight (the precursor of Flying Circus), and it was a awesome game (and it still stays one of the best WW1 sims out there). But ROF was (is) plagued with a huge problem: the complexity of the source code, which makes almost impossible to make mods work right.
So when it was announced that FC Vol 1 would be released (5-6 years ago), air combat addicts in WWI were eager to see if that door to more complex mods would open. We were disappointed when we saw that what happened to ROF happened again - and even worse - messing up with the BOX series code is like open a Pandora Box (a recipe for disaster). That's why the only SP mods that exist for FC are the PWCG and some cosmetic ones (like scarfs and streamers).
Cutting the story short: if you want and like SP, u have the best u can get in the moment for FC: Pat Wilson CG. I hope that someday we can get the ultimate WW1 pilot experience: flying over the no-mans-land in a lone wolf mission, with the infantry charging, in the midst of an artillery storm. But for now, this is only a dream.
Stay safe and i hope it helps