Tamiya 1/35 M4A3 75 Sherman. This one's a little monster. Nothing wrong at all with the kit - I highly recommend it, comes with loads of figures and enough stowage for two or three vehicles, too. It's just that the one I bought is cursed.
I've had it a long time and return to it every now and again to fix broken parts, retrieve crew figures from the interior, touch in paint that has lifted, and so on. If it can go wrong, it's gone wrong.
I don't know why the little pig attracts clumsiness on my part, but it does - as mentioned, it's a nice kit, typical Tamiya 'idiot-proof shake & bake'. It won't beat me, but I've found that I make more progress with irregular 'hit and run' sessions than sitting down for days until it's finished. Very much a work in progress - my unfinished symphony.

She's already been put back to one side, I'll sneak up on her again when she's least expecting it.