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Author Topic: Andy H's miniature madness  (Read 46966 times)

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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #48 on: December 31, 2021, 09:11:41 PM »

The wheels look strange to me, would of thought they would break up the shape with camouflage.

Watching Nazi Megastructures some German tanks had glare-ish paint schemes.

Another Russian tank movie worth checking out, T-34.
Go in quickly - Punch hard - Get out!

Andy H

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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2022, 09:20:40 AM »

I know what you mean about the wheels, genX, and I think the gun barrel would look better with cammo, but I'm working from the kit's colour scheme, although I've rusted the exhaust after looking at various pics - apparently this little feller came off second-best in an encounter with an American M10 (which, by a not-so-amazing coincidence, I've got in the stash, thought the two vehicles might make a nice set - like the old Airfix 'dogfight doubles').

Anyhoo, quick update after an enforced time away. First coat of clear and first wash. She's very shiny at the moment. Next up, a quick squirt of matt varnish and some highlighting/weathering, which should take care of the scruffy wheels. Quite a way to go yet with the old build-up, tone down and repeat routine.


Andy H

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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2022, 05:41:14 AM »

Deglossed, washed again, filth applied, drybrushed. Starting to look like it's got a few miles on the clock...

Off to the local model boutique for supplies, and we all know where that normally leads, right?  :angel:

Thanks for looking in, more soon.  :)


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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #51 on: January 08, 2022, 01:00:14 AM »

KV8 or maybe Stug3?  ;D


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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #52 on: January 08, 2022, 02:03:26 AM »

I'm not much of a tank sim person but this 2007 game was going incredibly cheap on the last steam sale, so I purchased it.

The vanilla download came to 2.5gb. I read that the Sta mod is a 'must have' to bring it up to date.

With the Sta zipped mod file unpacked and installed the size on disk is now 29gb. :o  Sounds familiar doesn't it. ;D

I will try it soon and I hope that the space usage is justified.

33 Lima's stock campaign mission reports here with some cool screenies.


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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #53 on: January 08, 2022, 03:58:45 AM »

Well...believe it or not, I came away from the shop with nothing more than a few aerosols and some extra thin cement. :o  I did think about a Red Army Matilda, but I've got a British one in the stash, so couldn't justify it to myself at the moment. I might well have picked up a Valentine I spotted last time there, but some bounder had beaten me to it, and I gave up trying to figure out which of the Tamiya King Tigers on the shelf was the better kit - as with the new Airfix (re-boxed Academy) kits, I'll read up.

Interesting looking tank sim, there. I went through the whole 'Men of War' series, and much prefer the earlier offerings. I might fire it up for old time's sake later - a multi gigabyte download is out of the question for me until I invest in a new hard drive. My first proper PC had a whole 1Gb - "You'll never fill it up!" I was told... ;D

Anyway, here's how Hettie looks after a few applications of Tamiya weathering powders - I'm going to try out some fixative spray to preserve everything, I've found that some varnishes just soak up and remove powders, and can't for the life of me remember which one behaved itself, I know the powders don't like Tamiya spray varnish...go figure.

If the fixative works, it's just a matter of more varnishing and a little work on the tracks. Oh, and the crewman in his Hugo Boss suit.  :)


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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #54 on: January 08, 2022, 05:06:26 AM »

Well...believe it or not, I came away from the shop with nothing more than a few aerosols and some extra thin cement.

Your self control is admirable. :)

I'm quite surprised at your thoughts about a Matilda tank as I spent some time after my last post playing the scripted Steel fury driving tutorial which happens to be on a British Matilda tank. ;D

You have weathering down to a fine art, the Hetzer looks great now. :)

I played through  one of the "men of war" games and eventually found it to be a bit  repetitive. Sudden strike 4 which have played recently is a real gem and is worth it so far.

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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #55 on: January 08, 2022, 12:06:02 PM »

Thanks for kind words, rogeroger.  :)

The Matilda I've got has a similar angular cammo scheme, and some really nice crew figures - should keep me out of trouble for a while.

The Red Army version has different fittings and tracks, plus Soviet crew figures. I'll probably pick one up sooner or later.

Well...the fixative seems o.k.

While I'm waiting for it to dry (seems a bit shiny, but no biggie), I've got the crewman done. Basically the same very wet paint and final drybrush technique as the Soviet tank riders upthread...

Back soon with the final reveal.  ;)

Andy H

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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #56 on: January 08, 2022, 02:44:22 PM »

There she is done - more of an interpretation than an exact replica, but I'm fairly happy with the result...

All good practice for the much bigger Jagdtiger. Well...what's next? I dunno - probably something with a simpler colour scheme. ;D

Thanks as always for looking in, more miniature mechanical mayhem soon.  ;)


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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #57 on: January 08, 2022, 04:56:49 PM »

Had my doubts about this one, but the final result looks stunning.
Go in quickly - Punch hard - Get out!

Andy H

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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #58 on: January 08, 2022, 05:29:37 PM »

Cheers, old chum!  :)

She looks good from a couple of feet away, and I'm happy to have discovered the pigment fixing spray (and that it'll take a coat of varnish). Given my time again, I'd be a little more sparing on the dots/blotches, but not a bad first attempt at the 'ambush' pattern cammo - I got quite a bit of confidence from it all. 


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Re: Andy H's miniature madness
« Reply #59 on: January 09, 2022, 04:20:24 AM »

Wow Andy! it got even better. I was initially a bit unsure about the mauvish camo colour, but that looks bloody marvelous.
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