Well...believe it or not, I came away from the shop with nothing more than a few aerosols and some extra thin cement.

I did think about a Red Army Matilda, but I've got a British one in the stash, so couldn't justify it to myself at the moment. I might well have picked up a Valentine I spotted last time there, but some bounder had beaten me to it, and I gave up trying to figure out which of the Tamiya King Tigers on the shelf was the better kit - as with the new Airfix (re-boxed Academy) kits, I'll read up.
Interesting looking tank sim, there. I went through the whole 'Men of War' series, and much prefer the earlier offerings. I might fire it up for old time's sake later - a multi gigabyte download is out of the question for me until I invest in a new hard drive. My first proper PC had a whole 1Gb - "You'll never fill it up!" I was told...

Anyway, here's how Hettie looks after a few applications of Tamiya weathering powders - I'm going to try out some fixative spray to preserve everything, I've found that some varnishes just soak up and remove powders, and can't for the life of me remember which one behaved itself, I know the powders don't like Tamiya spray varnish...go figure.

If the fixative works, it's just a matter of more varnishing and a little work on the tracks. Oh, and the crewman in his Hugo Boss suit.