O.k, chums...let's have a peek inside my solvent-addled mind and how this modelling madness takes hold.
Sticking with Italeri, I've decided on their "El Alamein anniversary" edition of a Panzer IV with a lineage that dates back so far that I can remember making one whilst still at school. It comes with 9 figures (actually 3 of them are doubled-up so make that 6), jerry cans and oil drums so could make a nice diorama combined with other Afrika Korps kits, figures and foliage in the stash.
So I pop into the local model shop yesterday for paint, and spot Tamiya's latest all singing all dancing Panzer IV ausf. F2. Nice crew, stowage and having recently built an up-to-date Tamiya Panzer IV, I know it'll look smart. Then I spy an eastern front option on the box and come up with whacky schemes to get the Tamiya, do it as the Afrika Korps version and donate the eastern front decals to a panzer grey-painted Italeri Ausf. F2...
Well, for the price of the new Panzer IV, I spotted some oldie but goodie Tamiya stuff - plus the latest 3D scanned (or so rumour has it) figures...
The British
are coming, after all...
The Germans are already here...

And these figures are just exquisite...might need a vehicle for them to loiter around...

Still not sure that new Panzer IV won't be coming home with me next time I visit.

Anyhow, let's get that Italeri Panzer started. No disrespect, but I fancy practicing new techniques on expendable figures...they might even turn out nicely

Stay tuned