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WxTech's Increased Head Panning Range for whistler's NG-CAM mod.
NG-CAM is available here:,60008.0.htmlThanks to whistler's cooperation, I offer here the classfiles for HookPilot.class that's compatible with his NG-CAM mod, incorporating my increased head panning range values. Nothing else has been altered by me.
I gather this class is compatible with 4.12 and B.A.T.
This little mod increases the range of virtual head panning as follows:
- In the horizontal, from 155 degrees to 180.
- In the vertical, from -60 to +89 degrees to -75 to +135.
If you're using head tracking kit, you shouldn't need to alter any of its settings.
This is not a 'cheat', really, because it's not allowing to see more than you already can. What it does do is to impart a better sense of freedom of movement, because now you'll hardly, if ever, be hitting the former hard stops to rotation. It really is liberating!
This involves an important base class, HookPilot.class. Its four class files are (compiled/hashed 2021-10-04 7:47PM):
You may choose to keep these files in their own folder. If so, be sure this folder resides above the NG-Cam mod folder in order that these classfiles be read first.
Or you can locate these same four classfiles in the NG-CAM mod folder, disable those already there by renaming with a preceding "-", and then move my classfiles there.
Whether whistler decides to incorporate these increased head panning limit values going forward is unknown to me. If he does not, and a future update to NG-CAM necessitates revisiting this class in order to carry forward the increased head panning, shoot me a request (unless someone else beats me to the punch

Oct 8, 2021