Stiill in the spirit to complete the line up for the SCW I am posting here the Fiat CR-32.

This mod of the CR-32 has a long development history: it was initially conceived as a substitute of the CR-42.
It was subsequently given it's own slot and today benefits from some restiling of the 3d and additional load-outs
and I think that this is an example of how the iIl-2 community can come together and little by little do some nice things. So a big thanks to all the contributors (see below for a detailed list of contributors and sorry for eventual omissions).
This plane is a CR-32 of the Spanish Civil War period when a close-support fighter version was developped.
Initially armed with twin Breda-SAFAT Mod.1928Av. 7.7 mm (.303 in) and twin 12.7 mm (.5 in) machine guns plus
Bomb racks with ability to carry 100 kg (220 lb) bombload possible: 1 × 100 kg (220 lb) or 2 × 50 kg (110 lb) or bomblets. A common field modification was to discard the 7.7 mm armament to reduce weight.
Subsequently further improvements were introduced with reduced weight, added radio and max speed 356 km/h (221 mph) at 3,000 m (9,843 ft); This plane was still in service at the beginning of WWII and it was used mainly in the African theatre in the close support/ground attack role
Drop the folder in your mod folder and add the following lines to air.ini Plane_ru and weapon_ru files and ready. The skin folder can be dropped in the ...\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\PaintSchemes\Skins folder and you are ready to get airborne
For Ultrapack 1.8 users: This mod is compatible with the CR-32 available in the pack
Lines to add
Air.ini entry:
CR-32quater air.CR_32quater 2 i01 SUMMER
CR-32quater Fiat CR. 32 Quater, 1937
# CR-32quater
CR-32quater.default Default
CR-32quater.2x50Kg_Bombs 2x50kg Bombs
CR-32quater.1x100Kg_Bomb 1x100kg Bomb
CR-32quater.2_Cassette 12x2 kg Bomblets
CR-32quater.none Empty
Skin folder name: CR-32quater
Thank and credits to:
1C and Oleg, were it all begun and a great CR-42
Ranwers, Frankenplane derived from the CR-42
Sjack (I hope I got it right this time) own slot, posted by Chameleon at Aviaskins
Real Darko and Slow, 3d modifications
Spanish Il-2 community a lot of info and encouragements
Frankiek, classes and 3d modifications
Alban, Additional skins
Tested for compatibility with 4.10.1 and working fine with clean install 4.10.1 +SAS Modact 2.72