If anyone's using some OTHER cloud mod for the lower cumulus type and want to retain it, or happen to like the stock clouds, you can simply put a "-" (minus sign) character at the start of my "Clouds" folder name, making it :-Clouds".
And the same goes for any other instances of effects related mods one might already have and like. Just disable those shared folders or files you don't want to use.
Indeed, if one has never made mods, a good way to start is to grab the better files from one mod and put them in the mod you like and which does the same thing. Just be very careful to keep together the .eff, .mat and .tga files. When you get more comfy with this, you can point a .mat file to a different .tga, being sure to also write the new .tga name in the .mat file. There's nothing which says a .tga must have the same name as the .mat.
In this pack I included everything in the two effects folders, [3do/Effects] and [Effects], except for the files related to tracers. In good part because I assume, for starters, that most peeps using mods already would prefer the Guncam Tracers Mod (which is already in BAT.) And I already have an existing tracer/tracer smoke mod out there.