UPDATE, Feb 21, 2024: The former painted "+" mark on the windscreen has been replaced by a proper front post mounted well forward on the cowling, including for the CW-22 as well. This makes aiming FAR easier!
Get it here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/zrewbja2aqmqies/CW-21_sight_aid.7z/filefrom the included readme file:
CW-21 (and CW-22) front sight post, by WxTech
This is an update to an earlier mod in which I had added a small painted "+" mark on the windscreen to act as a 'front bead' for the ring sight. For some odd reason, the stock cockpit provides ONLY the ring; without a post/bead there is no way to use the sight effectively.
I have seen in (poor, not hi-rez) online photos what appears to be a front post, well forward on the cowling. And so I now add one here. The far longer baseline between this new bead and the ring makes for far easier aiming!
I include also Body.msh, in which resides the two cockpit view hooks. I've placed the CAMERA view hook, which is the one for the 'normal' POV, coincident with the CAMERAAIM hook ('gunsight' view), lifting it up in line with the sight and also closer to the sight. This has the added benefit of improving the view toward the rear. And of course it means that now you don't *have* to hit the 'gunsight' view key in order to shoot (but it still helps to do so in order to more easily stay in line with the sight.)
If you wish to play with the positioning of the view hooks, the last 3 values, when increased, move the POV Forward, Left and Up (hence the guide reading "F L U").
I've darkened the ring sight texture, as I found it to be of too-high 'contrast', with its marked difference in light and dark parts.
If you already should have a cockpit mod of the CW-21, and you find this to be useful, you could simply copy the five files here into your existing mod, overwriting potentially three of them (back them up first, or rename the originals with a preceding "-").
I include the same stuff for the CW-22, which is the 2-seater variant of the CW-21.
As with all my IL-2 mods, this work is offered for use by any and all, for any purpose, without restriction.
Apr 4, 2021
Feb 21, 2024