Here's my version of a fictious interpretation of Marseille's kit.
will be added later, today I have no time for it...
a request by our Member
Hans-Joachim MarseilleI gave it a late war production batch outfit, with several refittings,
such as engine nacelles, lots of grime and gunsmoke,
considering he was an Ace and made good use of it.
No fancy Markings on my version, as I doubt a Me262 late war kite would have adorned
anything but a unitband and unit emblem.
They where highly hunted prey, no USA Christmas Lighning fx here.
Beware of Allied Hunters then, good luck
New! KGJ27 what if
Fictional, Neuburg/Donau was never bombed, Allied Flyers ate too much pancakes,
navigational Error and painstaking Pilots lead to complete destruction of a Nearby Satellite Base instead.
A direct hit was scored on the latrine, being out of service for the reminder of war.
Reportedly a gathering of Troops was attacked, which turned out to be Farmer Schwabingers Cows grassing
on the unused grass Airfield. This event was later recalled Brown Monday in 8th AF history.
KGJ27 thus was to be setup completely, Hajo then relegated to Major,
was sent to Detachment Hogeback. As usual he obeyed orders to move to Bohemia,
Bombing was not Hajos preference, he insisted in initial Training held at more remote Areas.
instead backing up his Squadron in Austria. Hajo had a 2 weeks grounding due to a
hunting accident, when a marmot (Murmeltier) rallied his trousers.
1C Maddox Games and Oleg
Winger 69, Aero_Shodanjo, MB-BOB
Happy Flying