Here is the Lippisch P.13a ramjet interceptor
The infamous coal gas fed super-über fighter with the delta wings.

The Lippisch P.13a was a design project for a ramjet-powered delta wing interceptor aircraft studied in 1944 by German designer Alexander Lippisch. The DM-1 was a full-size glider, flown to test the low-speed aerodynamics.
As conventional fuels were in extremely short supply by late 1944, Lippisch proposed that the P.13a be powered by coal. Lippisch soon came to conclude that this might even be more effective than liquid fuel, as the location of combustion was more precisely controllable. Initially, it was proposed to employ a wire-mesh basket holding even-sized granules of brown coal, placed in the lower region of the internal airflow. The burning coal gave off carbon monoxide (CO) gas which was mixed and combusted with the upper air flow downstream. A proof of concept mock up of an engine was tested and the basket arrangement refined.
It is often suggested that the plane could have gone supersonic, but in this form it could not. The aerodynamics were unrefined and as presented, unsuitable for supersonic flight. Too little was known about real problems of supersonic flight at the time it was drawn up and wishful thinking ran away with many. Lippisch was contracted by Convair after the war and continued development of his delta wing concept, which directly led to the F-106 as its apex. Looks quite different in detail, doesn't it?
This mod is a what-if but it's not faster than sound - at least not in this iteration.
The cockpit uses the standard Me-163 with a few changes:
- The red temperature gauge works for the ramjet
- I closed up the rear view windows as the P.13 had none of those.

Thanks to mission_bug for helping with the mesh for the dropped cart!
Specs:Top speed: 1050 km/h at altitude
Duration under 100% power:
Rocket ~ 2 min ("fuel")
Ramjet ~ 35 -40 min ("nitro")
Ramjet minimum speed is ~300 km/h
Default is 2x MK108 30mm, 60rpg
Take off speed is 200km/h, which equals ~ 800 - 1000 m runway.
Touch down speed is ~ 155 km/h
please note:-The ramjet bleeds fuel as soon as you open the throttle, even when it is not producing thrust! Manage your engines properly.
-In contrast to the Me-163, you have to "start engines" on the ground first.
-The plane has airbrakes but no flaps.
-AI will have a problem with the 300km/h minimum speed for the ramjet! Take it into account when designing AI flights.
3d import: 101tfs
slot, java, cockpit slot: vampire_pilot
FM: vampire pilot
SSP: vampire_pilot

SSP statics are included
have fun
v1.1- slight changes to FM
- skid landing position - no more antigrav air cushion!
- exhaust effects added to ramjet
