Update 002 for UQMG for BAT (,65131.0.html) really changes the content of this post, and it simplifies the procedures below immensely. The tutorial is much simpler now.
NOTE: Originally this topic was called: "Wow! I guess I didn't know we could have "AI-bot" planes in DF Arenas, here is a sample mission"
I have decided to make this into a more useful post with instructions on how to accomplish this. In this very post, I have the instructions/tutorial. I hope you Enjoy it.
Update 002 makes the embedded UberQuick Mission Manager (UQMM, which is launched from UQMG) compatible with BAT WAW. Through some experimentation, I ran into something that was complete news to me. (Note UQMM is no longer needed to generate Persistent-War arenas in DF Hybrid mode, but I am keeping this here just for narrative.)
A Dogfight version of a mission based on an SP mission I created in UQMG played as a hybrid COOP/DF Arena... it blew my mind. The premise of the mission was to have a small area with saturated objects and 8 flight groups.
Each team has 2x 2-plane fighters, 1x 3-plane ground attack, and 1x 3-plane bombers. But here is the deal, each one of those flights, using the cloning algorithm spawn every 10 minutes, so it is an endless supply of aircraft coming in that would literally last 2 hours. And as an SP mission, it played well. There was a lot of stuff in the ground as well.

But like I said, I was trying to mess with other functionality and decided to put a special version of the mission in the Net directory and tried to play it as a Dogfight Arena just for myself... you know, Create the DF Server and join it...
I picked my spawn base, picked one of the permitted planes... and spawned... but, to my surprise, all the planes from the Single Player mission were there... I started doing Ctrl-F2 and Shift F-2, and the mission was playing, but I was an "online" pilot... So I took off on my plane and went to fly... I stalled in a Dogfight, so I bailed... then I clicked Re-fly... and there I was in the arming screen... the second time around I picked a Yak-1 but took off right after the second wave of IL-2s and Yer-2s took off... and a little later I shot down an Fw-190A-3. I then proceeded to the German fighter base to see if I got lucky as the new German fighter wave of 2x 109s and 2x Fw-190s were taking off... I was not lucky. The Hs-129s also try to fight you... but the Do-217s are sitting ducks.
Anyway, I could have played for HOURS by myself... I even switched teams for a bit... and you become of course part of the other team... just like in DFs.
MY MIND IS BLOWN!!!! The stuff that we can do with BAT WAW RED CORE is OFF THE HOOK!Am I the only idiot who didn't know this was a thing??? (Hybrid Coop/DF arena)
Anyway, if you want to give this a try, here it the mission, make sure you install it somewhere in the "[BAT Path]\Missions\Net\dogfight" folder. The mission is here: of course those are IL-2 mission files... So how about we now cover how to do this using only UQMG? Here it goes...
UQMG Tutorial: Creating Your Own “Persistent-War” Dogfight Arena With Re-generating Scripted AI-Aircraft using UQMG (For near-endless Offline & Online play) in a few clicks & seconds.
(Note with Update 002, you no longer need UQMM or FMB to do this, it is completely transparent to you and UQMG takes care of it.)Note the new feature available below for DF Hybrid Arenas (It also improves all mission generation time, which makes a difference when you use large numbers of objects and Ground object matching and substitution):

So how do we create this? Let’s follow a few steps.
Assuming you already have UQMG installed with the BAT WAW 4.0 RED CORE upgrade and Update 002 (,65131.0.html), then you can use a UQMG script file included with the update. This is a “.uqmg” script file. It is similar to a “.quick” file for QMB, it is basically a script that UQMG uses to load files so you can generate them. You should try them, there are over 400 of them you can load to start enjoying UQMG in BAT.
(Note, if you have Update 002, this mission is already available through UQMG, located in the "save\_BATWAWtesting" folder, access through UQMG File menu.)
• Start UQMG (with Update 002 or higher, version 6.2.1)
• Make sure that "Fast Msn Generation & Hybrid DF Arena (AI Objects)" is selected in the
Multiplayer DF Arena Options (shown when you click DF Arena Options Button)
• Click “Ctrl+O” or go to File menu, then select “Open UQMG Mission Data Files”
• Navigate to the "\_BATWAWtesting" Folder and select "red_2hrArenaDEvsRU42.uqmg"
• Wait for it to load in UQMG
• Click “Create Mission Now” button, as usual, and wait
• This may take a while... take a drink.
• When you get the ready dialogue click OK
• Start IL-2 1946 in BAT WAW RED CORE Mode
• Select “Multiplay”
• Select “Create New Server”
• Give your server a snazzy name, like “UberDemon Test Center of Excellence”
• In Game Type select “Dogfight”
• Click “Create”
• In Mission Type, select “( Play UberQuick Mission )”
• In Missions, select “(PLAY UQMG Mission NOW )”
• Wait
• Select Blue or Red Spawn base in briefing map
• Click “Arming”
• Select available plane and arm it at will
• Select country (this one is meant for Luftwaffe vs USSR)
• Click “Apply”
• Click “Fly”
• Go fly and do whatever you want
• When you are done, like running out of ammo, or bailing out, click “Esc”
• You can select “Refly”
• You can select another plane and keep fighting
• You can even play for the other team
• All during the time you are doing this, the war is going on... you will join in real time
For this mission, each flight re-generates every 10 minutes (there are 10 waves), so this mission goes for about 120 minutes at least, and you can keep coming back as much as you want. But that is not all. This is a small map which is saturated with objects. There is plenty to explore and to blow up. Many ground objects.
Have fun. I know this sounds like a lot, but you do this a few times, and it will feel like muscle memory, you will be able to do all this from scratch in a couple of minutes.
Let me know how much fun you have. The first reply below show some screenshots of the mission in the tutorial.