Fully revised for the latest version of BAT & extensively tested.
USN Enhanced Carrier Air Group Fighter Campaign for DGenFile:
https://mega.nz/file/DnoDASSQ#oEtEfDXmWg29g_tB9pNJukYtXHLC4krpB3zsQ6sGun8(revised at 10:48am EST on 06/18/24)Prerequisites:1. All files - both base and updates - from the BAT DGen thread here:
DGen for B.A.T. v1.4 - World At War module
2. Be sure to download the skin packs too - some good stuff there.
Installation:1. Just copy over to your root Il-2 1946 directory - the folders are already
set up.
2. Back-up the DGen files in case you want to revert back.
Campaign Notes:a. I rate these revisions as semi-historical as I've tried to use time-frame
appropriate plane sets as much as was possible.
b. Example 1; No carrier based F4F3's after the Coral Sea.
c. Example 2; Say goodbye to the SBD after the Marianas.
d. Example 3; Say hello to the SB2C for the Marianas Op.
e. Example 4; Jills and Judys to shoot at during the Turkey Shoot.
Suggested plane type selections:CoralSea CoralSea, May 1942 = F4F-3
Midway Midway, June 1942 = F4F-4
Guadal1 Guadalcanal, August 1942 = F4F-4
SantaCruz Santa Cruz, October 1942 = F4F-4
Tarawa Tarawa, November 1943 = F6F-3
Marianas2 Marianas, June 1944 = F6F-3
Palau Palau, September 1944 = F6F-3
Iwo Iwo Jima, February 1945 = F6F-5
Chichi Chichi Jima, March 1945 = F6F-5
Okinawa Okinawa, April 1945 = F6F-5
Japan1 Japan, June 1945 = F6F-5
(But you can basically fly any plane you want by selecting it on the campaign mission screen.)
DGEN Notes:a. DGEN is strange at times - yes the mission elements are randomized to some extent - but it still biases itself (somehow) to selecting stock aircraft over mod aircraft (although the mod aircraft do appear). I have no idea why this is the case.
b. Avoid messing around with view keys (F2/F3) when launching. That may cause planes to explode.
c. Avoid auto-pilot when launching as the catapult will ALWAYS be used and the auto-pilot isn't smart enough to give you a success take off if your plane has a heavy ordinance load.
Please let me know if there are any issues/errors. HAVE FUN!!