Some of you might know a few of these Skins, in the meanwhile more saw inclusion and corrections.
No fancy Myths or Profile mishapps. Just the pure.

Update 1.4: M4T Link updated...
JV44 overhaul, renaming, completion
small Fixes
Update 1.3: M4T Link updated...
9K+IM (E-Bay find)
B3+DM (Japo Publications)
B3+HK (E-Bay find)
E3+01 (E-Bay find)
EKG(J) White 6 (E-Bay find)
White 1 (Japo Publications)
Update 1.2:
B3+AL (E-Bay find)*
B3+HL (E-Bay find+Falke Eins*
B3+IB (Japo Publications)*
Yellow 3 W.Nr. 110 662 Moosberg/Isar (E-Bay find+Falke Eins historical
Yellow 10 W.Nr. 110 662 Moosberg/Isar (E-Bay find+Falke Eins semi
9K+GL Kdo Schenk Ufw. H. Lauer 1st crash (Ultra, Lauers Logbook, Lauers crash Report, ...) semi
9K+NL Ufw. H. Lauer 2nd crash (E-Bay Find) historical
Skins marked NEW are now up to latest research, Skins from my older Packs not affected still having the approved quality Mark,
except the known Schnitzer. It's a bit large, I can't do anything about that. It's still to be worked at, atm. adding
latest Japo in CZ additions and many other previously unknown Turbos.
I can present you a neat Me262 Skinpack with the latest Werkenummer=paintscheme accurancy.
At parts of application it's still doubtfull, but I gave my best to squeeze everything about blurry pictures or sharp reproductions.
But some Semis where underpainting traces confirms are to be found here too.
Anyway, lot of requirements to run.
A-1a/Jabo* SAS
C-1a* SAS
V-3/4* SAS
B-1a NF* SAS
B-1a/CS-92* SAS/Aviaskins
Me-262A-V1/HG I* Barnesey
Me 262 V056* SAS
*Mods availlable
-V056 Mod has been re-released, search in WIP for that...
-The Trainer variant was a Mod from the past, please use the search function at SAS1946 to receive Info about it's whereabouts,
or use CS-92, it's as good as that...
All other Modifications are fairly easy to find...
Requirements, I recommend BAT 3.8.3., as it is fully compatible with Antos Ultimate Me262 Pack and all subsequent sister Mods using this as a base.
Wishing you all a happy flying
1C Maddox Games and Oleg
Winger 69, Aero_Shodanjo, MB-BOB
Segfej, 2010-2015/2020-2022