Hello guys, looks like things are already nearly fixed.

I have a little MATLAB script that can move meshes and thus fix pivot points in a couple minutes without any 3D import or export. Looks like I should just use my script to move outer wing and then add opposite transition to hier.him, and that might fix the pivot easily, if it indeed is pivot position problem and not orientation. Maybe I should try that.
I have now put Gabriel's version of the Firefly in my 4.12 install, here is the Dimon version with wing fold issue last night:

Here is Gabriel's with Birdman fix, a vast improvement, just need the java to halt the movement of the wing before
it hits the tailplane:

I do not think I can do any better at fixing the pivot in the the 3d program, the Birdman fix is certainly a better
solution than me messing around and continually swapping altered meshes, all I would be doing is essentially the
same possibly with a worse result.
The difficulty is the wing on the real aircraft both lifts and twists and unfortunately we are not able to move
the undercarriage in any way, we cannot get away with closing a door either as the wing goes through the
leg as well in the original orientation.
I could move the pivot point so the wing missed that but more than likely once closed there might be a gap
if I moved it one way or the wing inwards into the other mesh depending on which way I went.
Could a ghost wing be made to come into effect at a time near to when the wing actually closes, one replacing
the other in a similar way to how skis replace wheels? Trouble is that would add unnecessary complication.
To me the Birdman fix is the best way forward here if Gabriel can halt progress of the wing before it touches the tailplane.

Thank you very much all of you for your work on this, really appreciated, hopefully Gabriel will be along soon to confirm
if he is able to put the last piece in the puzzle.

I do have the flashing in the cockpit, with the fix or not, 4.12 with ModAct 5.30 although I see no error in the log like that
posted by Birdman, maybe other things in my install are at fault although I do have high resolution texture DLLs.

Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.