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Author Topic: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit  (Read 9641 times)

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WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« on: February 11, 2020, 11:41:27 PM »

May 25, 2021: A couple of small tweaks. The airspeed gauge has had the "40" label placed less ambiguously (next to the 40 tick, instead of between the 35 and 40 ticks.) The armored glass seams have had the prominence of the bright edges much reduced, as well as the lighting parameters adjusted a bit.


(The full archive has been updated as of today (May 25, 2021) to include these fixes. The link is after the three screen shots below...)

May 24, 2021: Here's the tiny placeholder object I foolishly didn't include in the main archive. It's a tiny, invisible reference for a bunch of meshes in hier.him, used to move all those meshes together by altering the position of just the placeholder. If you've already downloaded the cockpit before today, you need only grab this tiny file and drop the three contained files (.msh, .mat and .tga) into the cockpit folder with all the other files.

Again, this is ONLY the placeholder object!


(The full archive has been updated as of today (May 24, 2021) to include this placeholder. The link is after the three screen shots below...)


May 1, 2020: I've updated the archive to include the opening canopy-enabled cockpit classfiles, for all Il-2 models, augmented with the expanded 6DoF limits. All other classfiles are not included, meaning you must also obtain the Il-2/Il-10 open canopy mod, available here:

https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,42615.0.html    (< the opening canopy mod; my mod link below)

Also added is a new view hook, which in the game's controls is called Change Seat Position. This is realized due to the canopy being openable. I've set the PoV to be to the left, just about in line with the canopy edge. You can edit this yourself, in Body.msh. I've also expanded the reticle mask so that the reticle cannot be seen when the PoV is far to the left or right.

I've not cleaned up the odd texture anomalies, nor the missing front frame edge now revealed by the opened canopy.

Regarding the opening canopy mod. For the Il-2 the only files required are the classfiles. (For the Il-10, everything.)

I realize this is a large download (25Mb) for just a few small updated files. If anyone finds this to be onerous, let me know and I'll post a link to just the needed files. I chose this route by default because it's easier to keep just one archive up to date, and it's simpler for late arrivals in months or years to come.


Get the updated Il-2 Early cockpit here (with openable canopy cockpit classfiles having expanded 6DoF limits for all Il-2s):


From the included readme, updated:

UPDATE: May 1, 2020
- You must have the opening canopy mod for the Il-2, as available here:


- Includes the eight cockpit classfiles (four each) for the opening canopy mod, for both the early and late Il-2 models, updated with the expanded 6DoF range. The remaining classfiles are NOT included, which is why you must get the opening canopy mod. When you have that mod installed, you can choose whether or not you want my extended 6Dof range by deleting those eight cockpit classfiles you don't want, or renaming them with preceding "-" characters.
- Now having an opening canopy permits the addition of the additional view hook in Body.msh, CAMERAUP (called "Toggle Seat Position" in the game controls screen). I've placed this PoV to the left, in line with the canopy frame. You can move it where you want by editing one or more of the last three numbers (which move the PoV left, up and right when increased in value).
- Extended the reticle mask horizontally so that the reticle cannot be seen when the PoV moves far to the left or right.
- Moved the cockpit forward by 17cm, because it was out of position with respect to the external model.

Note that there are revealed a few oddities in texturing when the canopy is slid rearward. As well, the rearmost part of the canopy's external model becomes visible beyond the internal model, partly obscuring the rearward unrealistically. This is a common artifact of a cruder (or at least differently dimensioned) external model.

This is a further refinement to Greif11's fine Il-2 cockpit that he relesed in 2017. It contains much 3-D improvement, such as smoother curves. I recommend installing it first, as available here:


This mod here is a COMPLETE replacement of the Il-2-1940Early cockpit. It will work without Greif11's mod, and so you need not install his; but then you will not enjoy the improved later Il-2 'pit. If you install Greif's mod, you could either rename his Il-2-1940Early folder with a preceding '-' or you could delete it. My self same folder is fully self contained, and supplies all textures for both plane cockpits. If you use Greif's mod, make sure mine appears above his in your MODS listing in order that my textures are used.

This work concerns the early Il-2, which had an optical gun sight fitted. My initial goal was to just add my own gun sight mod, the spurring motivation deriving from Andrew's incorrect reticle implementation. He had placed the reticle just a few scant centimeters in front of the reflector plate, which resulted in terrible parallax with the smallest lateral viewpoint shift. Now the reticle has been relocated to its former, proper position.

Naturally, I could not content myself with stopping after adding my sight! While not as thorough a going over as done for my F4F and P-39, there have been significant changes made.

A number of textures have been tweaked. Some new ones have been created anew to go with the additions to some meshes. Only the Early Il-2 has had mesh alterations performed. And so the later Il-2 will be unchanged in this respect. But because both birds share the same cockpit textures almost completely, the late Il-2 will also use my textures.

I include 4.12 cockpit class files for both the early and late models, which apply to ALL stock Il-2s (and any mods sharing these same classes.) The only change I made is the addition of a line of code which sets the 6DoF limits for users of head tracking gear. Formerly, these 'pits used the default limits set elsewhere in a parent class. The new limits expand virtual head movement in all three axes, significantly aiding in seeing outside! Now you can effectively dogfight Bf-110s.

If you are a Rebel (4.09 player), the 4.12 cockpit classes may not work. Indeed, I don't know if they are OK for 4.11 or 4.10. If you have any problems, or even if you 4.12 guys don't like the expanded 6DoF, simply disable or delete the 8 class files; you will go back to the more restrictive 6DoF limits.

I include also the 4.12 cockpit Java (for modder's reference--not used by the game), which you can open with any text editor. You'll note that I added as 'comments' the default values for the 6DoF limits, and a guide to their interpretation. (You can search for "6dof" to find this more quickly.)

A little more specificity about my early Il-2 cockpit changes:

- Added my own, more realistic PBP-1 sight for attack aircraft, with new reticle.
- Greatly expanded the range of virtual head movement (6DoF).
- All gaps/holes revealed via 6DoF are now covered.
- The cowling has been raised and moved rearward.
- The after cabin has been more fully built.
- The canopy surface normals have been rationalized, now with the appearance of smoothness in illumination.
- Armored glass texture replaces the three forward window 'perspex'.
- Added armored glass to the two small windows straddling the headrest.
- Made narrower in width the perspex edging where appropriate.
- Replaced the simple opaque lines on the forward armored glass with a more appropriate edge segmentation in depth.
- Made the compass drum rounder, and improved its texture.
- Improved all gauge night textures (working versions only; not for damaged).
- Removed the screw heads from panel gauges; this type panel cover hides them.
- Made cleaner the panel texture.
- Notably 'smoothed off' the peeling paint aspect of the various wall textures, and added some shadows.

- Other little tweaks hardly worth squawking about. ;)

I might note that once again I've done the 3-D using a spreadsheet (Open Office).

As of this date, I have not yet added better impact textures for the armored glass; the usual hole textures as used for the perspex will still appear, however obviously silly for armored glass. Perhaps I might soon rectify this.

Note that the stock cockpit used a fixed texture for the cowling, and Andrew retained this. So have I. It is silly to do this, of course, the better approach being to map the actual external skin. But the subtle green color scheme nonetheless works reasoanbly well in most instances, including winter. In future I might get round to implementing the external skin adaptation scheme, which of course requires the addition of a bit of code to the cockpit class.

With thanks and appreciation to Greif11 and co. for the underlying improvements and upon which I add my own, I make this work freely available for use or alteration by anyone, without restriction.

May 1, 2020
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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2020, 05:19:23 AM »

Don’t even need pictures to know I’ll be downloading this later! Thanks WxTech!
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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2020, 12:04:56 PM »

So, do I take the 'silence' as a case of no news being good news? (That is, no instance of me overlooking to include something--as I've done a time or two.) ;)
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2020, 04:05:36 AM »

Just to let you know, in my case it works as advertised: THANK YOU :)


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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2020, 10:31:44 PM »

Good looking pit - my only little criticism would be the eyeline seems a bit 'high' apart from that brilliant job!
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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2020, 10:04:40 AM »

Great pit thanks for it!


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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2020, 02:51:11 PM »

Good looking pit - my only little criticism would be the eyeline seems a bit 'high' apart from that brilliant job!

Hey! I made it for me 'cause I'm 6' 2". ;)

More seriously, in the pics I've seen the sight line seems to pass through pretty much the center of the diamond-shaped armored glass segment. My sight is dimensioned and positioned *reasonably* accurately (in the pulled back, extended position for use). Just a single centimeter of departure makes a surprisingly obvious difference. That 'pit is more cramped than it appears, and pretty small position changes are meaningful.

I must point out that this offering was inspired by Greif11 (Andrew). While I did have my sight in the stock plane for a while now (and did use an armored glass texture), Andrew and company's update got me off my duff, so to speak, and do more of what I'd wanted to do with this cockpit for years now.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2020, 10:06:58 PM »

Its my old codger eyesight - 65 in a week!!! LOL Any more revisions in the pipeline cockpit(s) wise wxtech? I still think the Spit needs a complete revamp.
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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2020, 10:54:31 PM »

Regarding the Spit; I recall some good work by Doc Strangelove over at the other place. I know it's sacrelige, but that bird is not quite my fave, and so it features kinda lower on my list. Mostly, my interest lies in the Pacific.

I've redone the canopy on the P-40B/C and its family, with some refinements to finish (such as placing the bullet hole graphics, due to the expanded size). I'm not completely satisfied with its dimensioning, but it's vastly better than the stock horror show. I don't know if I should first finish the instrument improvements before releasing it, or just put it out there and maybe get back to the rest later.

Because I'm also underway on the P-40E/M 'pit, currently remaking the canopy. As for the earlier P-40, the stock thing is ghastly, in too many ways to bitch about right now. ;)

Anyhoo, that's the current state of things at WxTech's Wonky Warbird Workshop.
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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2020, 11:16:56 PM »

Yep good stuff over at the other place, the He111 especially. I have always felt the Spit pit to be the weakest of the lot not sure why that should be, perhaps Oleg wasnt kean either lol
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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2020, 11:25:55 AM »

- Greatly expanded the range of virtual head movement (6DoF).
This is what has impressed me most about its mod, the freedom of movement there is now is significantly superior to what we had before. Thank you very much for your work.


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Re: WxTech's enhancement of Greif11's Il-2-1940Early cockpit
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2020, 02:27:34 PM »

Just a li'l note to indicate that I've added a few screen grabs in the first post...
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)
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