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Author Topic: VL Myrsky II  (Read 24856 times)

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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2020, 11:43:11 PM »

Nice plane. i tested it in bat 3.7 modded and it works but no bomb hooks for the bombs. Maybe a later update? In 4.13.4 it appears but on loading it hangs at 100%.
VL-Myrsky-II flies in patches 4.10.1 and 4.13.4.
Bombs are authentic finnish.
Go to aviaskins and download the fix to your computer.


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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2020, 10:13:29 AM »

Thank you for the fix 8), everything works as it should, there is a chance for a fuel tank (droptank) for the Myrsky aircraft?

Best regards,



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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2020, 02:30:55 PM »

Thank you for the fix 8), everything works as it should, there is a chance for a fuel tank (droptank) for the Myrsky aircraft?


Best regards,
What fuel tank do you want, how many liters?
Are there authentic Finnish pylons for tank mods in your (SAS) forum?
(Який паливний бак ви бажаєте, на скільки літрів?
Чи є автентичні фінські пілони для бака серед модів на вашому (SAS) форумі?)


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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2020, 02:56:26 PM »

Hi Vasya, I have no idea if there are such pylons the fuel tank looks similar to those used by Luftwaffe,
but I'm also not sure what how many liters it has.
in this picture:
VL Myrsky drop tank in the middle, Bf 109 G drop tanks to right and left. All 150 liters
на цій картині
В. Л. Мирський краплинний бак в середині, Bf 109 G краплі резервуарів праворуч і зліва Всі 150 літрів
Привіт, Вася, я не маю уявлення, чи є такі пілони, як паливний бак схожий на той, який використовують Luftwaffe,
але я також не впевнений у тому, яке літрів воно має.

Best regards,


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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2020, 03:49:59 PM »

Vasya, Piotrek hi!
According to the original Finnish manual of this plane, these underwing fuel tanks had a capacity of 150l each, meaning that together they doubled the fuel capacity of the aircraft (the built in fuel tank contained 300l fuel weighing 222kg)

BTW the manual indicates that the plane carried also 36 liters motor oil (weighing 33kg) and could also carry bombs instead of the external fuel tanks.

The maximal bomb load was 2x100kg
If bombs under 50kg were to be carried, it was possible to install, instead of these bomb racks, a "grill" (the Finnish equivalent to the British light bombs carriers), generally for up to 6 small bombs (8, 12.5 or 15kg).

Other data from the manual:
Real speed (True speed) 400km/h at 2000m, corresponding to a reading (apparent speed) of 370 km/h
Cruising speed 380 km/h giving a range of 500km at this speed
After 10-15 minutes of combat, the aircraft still can fly at 350 km/h
Climbing speed (maximal) 8.3 m/s (= "30 km/h" in the manual)
Max speed when flaps are deployed: 240 km/h
Max speed when landing gear is down: 250 km/h
Max speed with external fuel tanks: 500km/h (see below max speeds in clean configuration)
Max dive speed 650 km/h (with a corresponding maximum engine speed 3060 rpm )
Absolute ceiling 9800m
Practical ceiling 9500m

Engine: Pratt & Whittney Twin Wasp SC3-G
Normal Power
910hp at 2500 rpm giving a true speed of 520 km/h at 4300m (corrrepsonding on the cockpit speedometer to an apparent speed 406 km/h)

Max Power
1065 hp at 2700 rpm for 5 minutes at altitude 3400m,  enabling to reach 535 km/h (true speed )  (equivalent to a speedometer reading of 439 km/h apparent speed)

Cruising speed at 2050 rpm, with a fuel consumption of 195 l/h

Climbing is usually done at at 2250 rpm with a fuel consumption of 215 l/h

but it can also be done at nominal power (2550 rpm) with teh following data (in function of overall loading weight of the plane)

In case of emergency for 5 minutes climbing can be done at maximal power



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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2020, 04:14:30 PM »

Hi Dreamk, Thank you  :), I could not find this information.

Best regards,


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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2020, 04:30:32 PM »



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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2020, 11:03:32 PM »

http:                //forum.aviaskins.com               /showpost.php?p=204104&postcount=2145


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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #44 on: January 04, 2020, 04:40:04 AM »

Thank you Vasya, Dreamk and the team 8), everything works fine during the five missions I played in different configurations, VL. Mirsky did not create any problems, bombs, pylons and everything else is visible.
I used VL Myrsky II - 4.10.1 + BAT and MyrskyII_FM - Fuel 238.5 kg files and overwritten my working version of VL Mirsky 4.12.

Дякую Vasya, Dreamk та команді, все працює добре під час п’яти місій які я грав у різних конфігураціях В.Л. Мирський не створював жодних проблем, бомби, пілони та все інше видно.
Я використав VL Myrsky II - 4.10.1 + BAT та MyrskyII_FM - Паливо 238,5 кг і переписав свою робочу версію В. Л. Мирського 4.12.


Best regards,



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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2020, 11:00:29 AM »

I have the update installed,and I can fly with the drop tank,but I still get the 30% CTD when I go to fly the plane with the new bombs.I'm flying BAT 3.72.I noticed Vasya publish my logfile on aviaskins.Maybe I need to download something to correct this.I have a Finlands weapons packas well.Maybe Vasya could help with this.




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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2020, 11:10:25 AM »

Vasya, the shape of the additional fuel tanks was rather different from the German Drop tanks used on the Me109 - it was closer to the shape of teh drop tanks of the Curtiss P36 and P40:
These are photos of the Myrsky II tanks:

and this a photo from a Finnish Me109 tank:



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Re: VL Myrsky II
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2020, 11:25:15 AM »

Thank you very much for all the updates for this Vasya, really appreciated. 8)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
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