Hello again guys, just a quick update.
The trouble with leaving a project for a while is returning to it makes you look again at
what you have so far, this project is no different and so I have replaced the upper parts
of the engine block with something a little better shaped, more rounded and smooth.
The light Brown/Sand coloured parts are the new and replaced items:
These castings are proving to be rather troublesome and have gone through a few changes as I try and
make a shape close to what you see in the earlier photograph, it appears to be two castings if you will,
one part blended into the engine block and then it appears to have a cover, there will be a second behind
but I will clone the first once I have mapped it to make that later on:
Here is what I am trying to do, the engine side part has the bolts fixed into it and a cap is then pushed
over those and bolted tight, I have not cut any holes in the mating faces that can be represented using
paint, hopefully you see what it is I am trying do:
Splitting these parts is not essential but I wanted to give my self the option for later on of maybe
doing the engine as a separate object on a bench with some of the bolted on parts removed as
though it has been stripped down by mechanics, we will see.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.