I am getting more and more idle with this, maybe all this quarantine is affecting my artistic impulses.
Anyway, at least I made the fan belt finally.
It went through numerous trials before I finally found a method I liked, sort of.
I used a line to make a shape that followed the front of the small pulley wheel, went down to the larger one
and around that before coming back up to the start to be closed. A version of the completed line is cloned
and enlarged before attaching the two shapes to each other one inside the other and filling in the area between
the lines to make a face.
Two shapes were then created with the faces looking the same way and again attached:
The create tool was then employed filling in the gap, this can be problematic as sometimes the face
appears on the opposite side and has to be flipped back the right way, very annoying and I suppose
there is a way to stop it but |I know not how:
Eventually some faces are flipped out leaving left, right and middle all visible externally and a clone made:
The middle face is separated and enlarged before flipping to make the second outer which is welded to your
existing shape to make something resembling the belt, I think:
I coloured things to try and better illustrate the method, the Brown is the final, some faces need to be
deleted from the cloned versions to give you the faces you need and will eventually connect but hopefully
some of the illustrations give you enough information to follow what I did:
To use the create tool it is essential to see what you are joining and unfortunately to do that means flipping
the faces to be joined in the same direction otherwise you cannot see the vertice you want to connect, it is
a fiddly method and usually I end up with all kinds of odd shapes because I join the wrong dots up, however,
following a little trial and error, much swearing and if possible the consumption of strong Lager I end up with
something that is used and does not end in the bin.
Here we have a goer:
Eventually after mapping it finds its way into IL-2:
I will eventually finish this guys, I swear.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.