Here is a new map, the Black Islands. While it is a more or less fictitious map, it is supposed to be set in the upper Scottish Islands. The premise is of a set of remote islands with a number of listening posts covering the northern convoy routes to the Soviet Union as well as hosting an SOE training base. The local population of mainly fishermen and small villages has been left in place. The map is dotted with small harbors and ports, a few lighthouses and remote and isolated farms, castle and monastery ruins. There are no map generated roads, only a number of roads using road objects.
I tried to use appropriate textures to give a rugged, remote, rocky and cold landscape. Getting the atmosphere more or less right is my main objective in making maps. When flying over terrain, it has to give a sense of location.
Due to the terrain there are few airfields. It is however seaplane heaven. I have made 3 seaports for seaplanes, though obviously they can land or take-off almost anywhere. I placed one 'normal' airfield on the map, at the training base itself. An obvious choice I think. If you use it, watch out: it is fenced. Aside from this one airfield, using Zuti's Friction mod, I've made the three main islands into large friction zones. So, if you find a relatively flat are, you should be able to land. In fact, I didn't flatten the one airfield either, it has some rough patches, but on trials, I found that planes can land and take-off. I also gave the friction areas a generous lessening of friction.
There are several large marsh areas. I am still trying to get them looking better, but it's getting there. What is really needed for this is another set of woods generated trees.
Download Link are a few screenshots: