The performance drop is expected because it's a debug version.
The last log doesn't show a crash though (il2ge_crash.log just remains from a previous crash).
So far it seems that the crash is caused by changes to the logging mechanism.
The latest build reverts to the old mechanism (which uses only il2ge.log as output, so it's best to ignore the other il2ge_*.log files for now).
Hi Squashman i wonder if your problems are not il2ge related at all? Have you tried posting this issue elsewhere? It seems strange that you are the only one experiencing these difficulties especially the multi-load issue??
I've also had this thought, but for now let's focus on the behaviour of the latest build that I posted.
@Squashman - If it also has the crash issue, it appears that you posted a log from a successful run.
That is - unless the crash happened completely outside of il2ge.
To clear that up I need il2ge.log, initlog.lst and log.lst/logfile.txt.
Copy all that - I only posted the logs to illustrate the performance drop; both logs represent playing the game and flying the same benchmark missions all of which was fine apart from the fps drop in the debug build (I didn't realise this was to be expected)
The start-up "crash" so far, however, seems to endure regardless of other factors when il2ge is enabled.
Once il2ge is disabled there is no start-up crash; the
game starts first time and plays perfectly.
I just tried the latest WIP build and got the fail to start "crash" for 12 attempts and then on the 13th attempt the game started and played perfectly.
Indeed, like PO Mak has suggested, perhaps this fail to start "crash" has been encountered elsewhere.
Just to ensure we are all singing the same verse of Jerusalem, the following sequence happens when il2ge is enabled -
Open Il2 selector (latest version)
Press "Start IL2 Now"
The small "Starting IL2 1946" splash screen appears for a few seconds then disappears
Then immediately the selector pops back up and I repeat the process until the game starts.
So far the game has always started if I have been patient enough and kept on pressing the "Start IL2 Now" button (the highest number of attempts so far is 27, but on the 27th attempt the game started and played perfectly.
There must be something installed on my particular version of Modact 5.3, something fairly unique given that no one else has reported this issue, that is conflicting with il2ge - maybe one of the many mods?
EDIT Here are the files you requested - from 1 start attempt and crash